Title: CNC精密伺服運動之自動調整與工業應用
The Auto-Tuning System and Its Industry Applications on CNC Servo Motion Control
Authors: 戴佳涵
Hsu Pau-Lo
Keywords: 學習自動機;自動調整法;參數調整法則;automata;auto-tuning;Parameter adjustment rule
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本論文將近幾年發展成功的控制參數自動調整理論實現在工業伺服馬達及CNC機台上,首先,以學習自動機為基礎,利用業界常用之Modbus通訊介面以及C#友善人機介面實現PI自動調整於市售伺服馬達,使用單一梯形命令可同時調整速度與位置迴路,並能廣泛應用於具Modbus通訊之工業伺服馬達。此外,本論文也將單軸自動調整系統實現於負載改變之雙軸CNC XZ機台,先實現各自單軸之自動調整,再應用於雙軸,當不匹配時,比較雙軸響應規格,設定重新調整的條件,僅調整單軸達到調整的條件,即可得到控制匹配之參數,有效的改善雙軸控制之運動精密度。在1200mm/min進給率下,實際量測真圓度從20.1μm 改善至9.6μm。最後,為了改善摩擦力所造成的循圓尖角量,應用於速度迴路中 F filter補償器,可決定增益以及時間常數。雙軸循圓真圓度從18.7μm降至10.4μm,應用於伺服馬達電流迴路中ECC補償器,可決定正負方向之增益值,單軸反向尖角量從6.6μm改善到2.2μm。
In this Thesis, the auto-tuning method by applying the automata approach were successfully applied to all industrial servo motors, the CNC XZ table, and the CNC turning machine tool. In servo motor control, the PI auto-tuning system was realized, and the developed technology can be applied to the servo motors through Modbus communication and the C# user-friendly interface. By applying the trapezoidal signal command, multiple parameters of the speed loop and the position loop can be tuned simultaneously. Furthermore, the present auto-tuning system can be applied to servo motors with a CNC XZ table. Because the loop gains of the biaxial servo control do not match each other, a practical approach was developed by tuning only one axis to match another axis with a newly-defined error function, and all parameters leading to matched two-axis system can be thus obtained. With the federate command 1200 mm/min, the present auto-tuning system reduces roundness from 20.1μm to 9.6μm on the CNC XZ table. To further reduce the friction effect, the present auto-tuning system has applied to the F filter in the velocity loop of a CNC turning machine tool and its roundness reduces from18.7 μm to 10.4 μm. Moreover, applications of the auto-tuning system including the exponential current compensator (ECC) improves the reversal spikes also caused by the friction from 6.6 μm to 2.2 μm.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070360020
Appears in Collections:Thesis