Title: LTE通訊模組設計方案優序之決策
Optimum Decision for LTE-RF Module Design Solution
Authors: 朱福金
Chu, Fu-Chin
Wu, Muh-Cherng
Keywords: 模組化;產品結構;AHP;LTE-RF;Module;Product Architecture;AHP;LTE-RF
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 在物聯網(IoT)及M2M(Machine to Machine)趨勢概念整合下,智慧型通訊產品搭載新一代行動通訊技術趨勢逐漸明朗化。而隨著行動上網的需求不斷攀升,使得通訊模組更顯得日益重要,成為市場上炙手可熱且競相追逐的產品設計之一。 本研究應用層級分析方法(AHP)來優先排序LTE-RF通訊模組的五種設計方案之配置。LTE-RF(長期演進無線電頻率)通訊模組為通信產品(例如移動式電話、平板電腦、筆記型電腦和一些其他移動式通訊產品等)之關鍵部分。為滿足不同的市場應用需求,提出五種不同的LTE-RF模組設計方案配置,分別為:(1)SiP,(2)USB Dongle,(3)On-Board Design,(4)M.2(NGFF)(5)Mini-PCIe。為了將有限預算配置予五種設計方案,且優先考慮其設計配置,並以企業高階主管作為其數據資料來源,執行AHP方法以提供企業未來營運發展之方向。其結果表明,依序前三設計配置順序為SiP,On-board Design和Mini-PCIe模組型式,作為優先考量設計之方案。
This research applies the analytical hierarchical process (AHP) method to prioritize five design configurations of LTE-RF communication modules. An LTE-RF (long-term evolution radio frequency) communication module is a critical part of a communication product (such as mobile phones, tablet, notebook, and some other mobile products). To meet different application requirements, LTE-RF modules have five different design configurations: (1) SiP, (2) USB dongle, (3) On-board design, (4) M.2 (NGFF), and (5) Mini-PCIe. To allocate the limited budget to the five design configurations, we need to prioritize the five ones. The persons we interviewed for carrying out the AHP method are top management of a company. The AHP results reveal that the top three design configurations are sequentially SiP, On-board design, and Mini-PCIe.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463308
Appears in Collections:Thesis