Title: 以無線近紅外線光譜系統對腦創傷實驗動物顱內生理參數變化的評估
A wireless near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) used in traumatic brain Injury experimental animals for the intracranial physiological change evaluation
Authors: 王哲川
Wang, Che-Chuan
Lin, Bor-Shyh
Keywords: 腦創傷;近紅外線光譜儀;含氧血紅素;非含氧血紅素;全血紅素;腦灌流壓;腦組織氧分壓;局部腦降溫治療;traumatic brain injury;near infrared spectrum;oxy-hemoglobin;cerebral perfusion pressure;partial pressure of oxygen;local brain cooling
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 在腦創傷後如何預防二次傷害在臨床上十分的重要,腦灌流壓及腦組織氧分壓是臨床上監測腦傷重要的指標,腦灌流壓及腦組織氧分壓與血液流入到腦部的多寡有關,並能夠間接反應腦是否缺血及缺氧。近年來,近紅外光譜為一種非侵入式的檢測方式並能用以評估腦氧合狀況及腦是否缺血,我們使用無線近紅外線光譜儀和臨床上使用的顱內壓、腦組織氧分壓以及平均動脈壓儀器來監測腦傷後實驗大鼠的腦內生理參數變化。結果顯示腦灌流壓及近紅外線光譜儀之參數的改變量都會與創傷力道的增加而降低。除此之外,含氧血紅素之變化量與腦組織氧分壓之變化量間有高的正相關性。因此,近紅外光譜儀能夠以非侵入式的方式來評估相對腦部灌流壓的變化及可提供用來估計腦組織氧分壓。此外我們也將局部腦降溫治療的概念用到此次實驗中,結果顯示含氧血紅素濃度與腦組織氧分壓在低溫時會增加,而非含氧血紅素濃度及腦血流總量則會下降。因此,也證明了局部腦低溫療法確實對腦創傷的腦部具保護作用。
cerebral perfusion pressure and brain tissue oxygen partial pressure is an important indicator of clinical monitoring of brain injury. In recent years, near-infrared spectroscopy is a non-invasive method to assess cerebral oxygenation and brain ischemia. We use wireless infrared spectroscopy and intracranial pressure monitor, brain tissue oxygen partial pressure monitor to access result of the injured mouse brain. The results showed that cerebral perfusion pressure and infrared spectrometer parameters changes with the increase of the force will be reduced. In addition, there was a high positive correlation between the change of oxygenated hemoglobin and the change of oxygen tension in brain tissue. Therefore, the near-infrared spectroscopy can be used to assess relative cerebral perfusion pressure in a noninvasive manner and can be used to estimate brain tissue oxygen partial pressure. In addition, we also use the concept of local brain cooling therapy in this experiment, the results show that oxygen concentration of hemoglobin and brain tissue oxygen partial pressure will increase at low temperature. Therefore, it is also proved that local cerebral hypothermia therapy does have a protective effect on the brain after trauma .
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070188004
Appears in Collections:Thesis