Title: | 透過駕駛員重新排班降低交通事故風險: 以國道客運為例 Reducing Traffic Crash Risk through Driver Rescheduling:A Case Study on Intercity Bus Drivers |
Authors: | 王碩彥 吳昆峯 Wang, Shuo-Yen Wu,Kun-Feng 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 交通安全;國道客運;人員排班問題;病例對照研究;拔靴法;Traffic safety;Intercity bus;Personal scheduling problem;Case-control study;Bootstrapping method |
Issue Date: | 2017 |
Abstract: | 在國內,與大客車相關之事故每次發生都造成大量的死傷人數,對於政府或是客運業者,如何避免事故的發生成了重要的課題。過去文獻指出,駕駛疲勞是導致事故的原因之一,而駕駛疲勞可以透過排班來減少,因此良好的排班可以用來避免事故發生。而雖然有研究分析不同排班的事故風險,或是如何將排班最佳化,但卻少有整合兩者的研究。因此,本研究的目標為建立從分析事故風險至重新排班的流程,使得在面對不同環境或是工作內容時,都可以藉由調整排班的方式降低事故風險。本研究透過個案國道客運公司提供一年份之發車與事故資料進行,並可以將研究問題分為三部份回答(1).如何將多變的排班方式做分類?不同的分類方式有何影響?(2).哪種排班的事故風險較高,未來應該避免?(3).如何重新排班,降低事故風險?研究結果發現,連續兩天在下午或半夜時段工作或休息一天後不在傍晚時段開始工作的事故風險較高;在不更動現有發車時刻表的前提下,重新排班之結果預期可以降低事故發生數約30%。 In Taiwan, crashes which involve intercity bus are usually with lots of injuries and deaths. Both the government and the intercity bus companies want to avoid crash. Previous research pointed out that crashes can be reduced by well-designed scheduling. But only limited of studies combining analysis about different scheduling’s crash risk and how to reschedule. This research combines these two parts, so that when dealing with other kind of driving environment or work context, our study can still be implemented to reduce crash risk. We use 1-year departure and crash database provided by the case study intercity bus company. The study can be divided into 3 questions. (1)How to categorize scheduling and how would this part affect our analysis? (2) Which kinds of scheduling are more dangerous than others? (3) How to rescheduling? The results showed that working at midnight or afternoon in two consecutive days and not beginning working in the evening after 24 hours rest are more dangerous than other scheduling. And rescheduling can reduce about 30% number of crashes without changing bus timetable. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353206 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/140570 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |