Title: | 婚姻之解構與重構—兼評《多元成家》草案 Deconstructing and Reconstructing Marriage – A Discussion on the “Diverse Family Formation” Draft in Taiwan |
Authors: | 陳映辰 林志潔 Chen, Yin-Chen Lin, Chih-Chieh 科技法律研究所 |
Keywords: | 多元成家;婚姻平權;伴侶制度;家屬制度;法律與道德;diverse family;marriage equality;civil union;multiple-person family;family law;law and morals |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Abstract: | 台灣伴侶權益推動聯盟在2012年推出「多元成家」法案,嘗試以婚姻平權、伴侶制度、家屬制度三套成家制度,挑戰現行民法對於「家」的想像,也更廣泛的照顧各個族群。而在議題已發酵三年的今天,「同性婚姻」在政治人物支持、民意廣泛支持、第三勢力小黨力推的狀況下,法制化的預期是前所未有的樂觀。在同性婚姻之「表層議題」塵埃落定之後,更深層的「婚姻議題」即有餘裕去探討了。同性婚姻通過後,未來同志們的「正典」成家選項也將會是結婚,而婚姻,正如許多法律系論文已研究的,仍存有許多改進的空間。同性情侶也將進入婚姻的好處是可以匯聚運動能量,聚焦於推動婚姻改革;疑慮則是,為何婦運團體原本這麼難推動婚姻改革?其背後理由何在?那些理由現代仍存在嗎?只會發生在異性戀女性身上嗎?那我們是否應該另行設立伴侶制度以迴避這些問題?應該設立怎樣的伴侶制度?並且,各國之伴侶制度都訴求「自由自主」之訂約,究竟這些婚姻中的困境,是否就是會發生在所有親密關係中,親密關係就是無法完全自由?如要追求自由,與法制「安定」的訴求即有一定程度之衝突? 本文期透過閱讀性別理論、法律與道德、社會實證研究文獻、比較外國立法例及質性訪談,試著找尋上述問題的答案,及評價多元成家法案,並提出建議。 The Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights (TAPCPR) released a draft of amendment to the Civil Code (including same-sex marriage, civil partnership, and multiple-persons family) in 2012. The draft challenges the existing law and in hopes that the rights of all types of intimate relationships are equally protected. The draft has been widely discussed for over three years. The “same-sex marriage” has been upheld by politicians, public opinion, and "third force" political parties. It is expected that the same-sex marriage will soon be legalized in Taiwan. After the legalization of the same-sex marriage, the more challenging and deeper issue, the nature of “marriage” itself, awaits. As “getting married” will also become the only normative family form for same-sex couples, the force of gay right movements can join the women’s right movements to ask for a more desirable marriage law. In the meantime, some questions have to be taken into consideration. Why couldn’t women organizations successfully reform the marriage law in the past years? There must be some obstacles. Are we still facing these obstacles nowadays? Do they merely exist among heterosexual women? Is a brand new “civil partnership” system needed to avoid this ancient institution? If needed, how should it be designed? Screening other countries’ civil partnership developments, the theory found that most of the civil partnership systems are located as “contracts”, not Family Law, leaning on both parties’ negotiation to achieve “freedom and autonomy”. Can intimate relationships be free and autonomous in law’s point of view? Are there conflicts between being free and seeking for law’s protection? The thesis tries to solve abovementioned problems by exploring the sexual theories, law and morals, social empirical research, legal development of the worldwide non-normative family laws, and conducting qualitative interviews. Besides, this thesis gives the current draft of the TAPCPR a thorough analysis and proposes a few revisions to it. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070153813 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/140622 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |