Title: 利用快速熱溶再結晶法在矽基板上成長鍺結晶層之技術及其特性
Growth of Ge single crystal stripes on Si substrate using rapid-melting growth
Authors: 林士弘
電子工程學系 電子研究所
Keywords: 快速熱熔再結晶法;X-射線繞射;穿透式電子顯微鏡;拉曼光譜儀;電子背向散射繞射;霍爾效應;rapid-melting growth;X-ray diffraction;Transmission electron microscopy;Raman;Electron backscatter diffraction;Hall effect
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 從一些文獻得知,高品質的鍺結晶層可以藉由利用快速熱熔再結晶法,或者是說液態相磊晶法在絕緣層上從矽基板生長。在本篇論文中,我們以GOI方式在矽基板上利用快速熱熔再結晶法於矽基板上成長鍺結晶層。利用自我對準微坩使液態鍺不易漏出並且控制鍺結晶層之後的結晶方向。然後利用好幾種材料分析與量測技術測得我們鍺結晶層結晶的特性。雖然也盡自己所能量測有關它的電性特性,但是因為鍺結晶層寬度太小的緣故,量測屢次失敗導致最終無法取得有關它的電性量測。最後我們是利用XRD以及EBSD所量測到結果Ge(100)單晶在離矽晶種區域距離為70um -102um就停止推動生長而在離矽晶種區域處距離為29 4-327um又生長出大約30% -50%的Ge(111)單晶,途中產生成長晶向改變。也說明拉曼實驗中,鍺結晶層的FWHM大小不規律原因,雖然無法將Ge(100)晶向推動更遠,但是由於快速熱退火(RTA)時高溫980度所停留的時間為3秒相對於傳統快速熱退火的時間1秒多了2秒,而可以讓離矽晶種區域距離為294- 327um還保持著約有30% -50%的Ge(111)單晶,但也說明了在矽晶種區域的矽原子因為高溫時間停留較久而導致熱擴散延伸而導致無法將Ge(100)晶向推動更遠。
It’s known that High-quality Ge stripes on insulator were grown by rapid-melting growth (RMG), or by liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE) on Si substrates. In this thesis, we have used a method to make GOI based on Si substrates and a defect necking technique in which defects are confined to a short distance and high -quality Ge stripes exist in a long distance. Self-aligned microcrucibles were used to hold the Ge liquid and control the growth direction of Ge stripes. Several types of analysis methods have been used to measure the property of Ge stripes grown on Si substrate using rapid-melting growth. Further all my attempts to obtain measurement of their electric property were futile, because the linewidth of Ge stripes are too small to be measured. Finally, results of Raman and Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction (EBSD) showed that (100)-oriented single crystal Ge stripes exist in about 70um-102um away from the seed window and 30%-50% (111)-oriented single crystal Ge stripes exist in about 294um-327um away from the seed window due to RTA for 3seconds which is different from others.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070250118
Appears in Collections:Thesis