Title: 台灣半導體關鍵材料技術研發競爭策略之研究 -以A公司為例
The Competition Strategy Study on Advanced Material Development in Taiwan Semiconductor Industry-A Case Study of Company A
Authors: 張慶裕
Chang, Ching-Yu
Chen, An-Pin
Huang, Szu-Hao
Keywords: 半導體產業;摩爾定律;核心競爭力;領導管理;Semiconductor industry;Moore's Law;Core competence;Leading Management
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 隨著摩爾定律發展趨緩以及產品需求的提升,代表著半導體製程會越來越困難,牽涉到的技術跟問題也會跟著提升,隨著強勁競爭者的加入,及技術上的嚴峻挑戰,台灣的晶圓代工產業,將會面臨一場激烈的戰爭,唯有不斷在技術與製程能力保持領先,才能在半導體產業生存下去。本研究主要採取個案研究法,以半導體產業面對莫爾定律,於公司走向趨緩時的競爭策略,以及思考模式為出發點,來探討半導體公司在面對產業環境改變時的因應措施。 為了提升材料方面的背景知識,讓研發的行程可以更順利,個案研究之A公司,於2003年成立先進材料部門,以維持核心競爭力,並加速解決問題的時效性,本研究將同時以管理的角度,分析先進材料部門的關鍵成功因素,探討該部門如何從一個技術的評估者,到技術的追隨者,到最後成為技術的創立者,並擁有獨當一面的能力。 希冀藉由個案分析與探討,提供領導者管理策略之參考,期待個案A公司能在未來再創另一個事業的高峰,也期許台灣半導體產業,在面對內憂外患的同時,也能夠穩定成長且永續經營。
This study aims to explore the competitive strategy of the Taiwanese semiconductor industry by undertaking the case study. Specifically, this study discusses in the trend of Moore' s law slow down how the case of “A” company’s competitive Strategy. In order to face the technical challenges and competitors from all over the world, keep on upgrading technology is the only way to stay ahead and survive in the semiconductor industry. In addition, this study will introduce the Advanced Materials Department of “A” company. The mission of this department is to maintain the core competencies and accelerate the timeliness of problem solving. It’s a successful experience to set up the Advanced Materials Department. This study will also discusses the key success factors of the Department. Hopefully this study will evoke and create new thinking and strategy to the company and High-level manager.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463036
Appears in Collections:Thesis