标题: 以建构顶点为脉络探讨国中三角形全等性质教学之研究
A study of constructing vertices to investigate the Teaching in Congruence of Triangles
作者: 林钰玲
Lin, Yu-Ling
Chen, Ming-Jang
Lee, Chin-Yi
关键字: 三角形的全等性质;认知负荷;Triangles congruent properties;cognitive load
公开日期: 2017
摘要:   鉴于学生在学习三角形全等性质上往往会遇到定义无法完全理解,以及无法有效应用,而造成后续学习效果迟滞不前。本研究欲以建构顶点为脉络,旨在改善三角形全等性质的学习困难,透过步骤化、区块化、结构化设计教材,将三角形的基本性质与尺规作图的核心精神循序渐进引导,最后以建构三个顶点为脉络来铺陈三角形全等性质的判别方法。
 In view of the students in the learning triangles congruent properties often encounter is defined not fully understand, and can not be effectively applied, causing subsequent learning stagnating. This study is trying to construct vertex context. It aims to improve the properties of congruent triangles learning difficulties. Through step-based, block-oriented, structured design materials, the basic properties of triangles and ruler core spirit guided step by step. Finally, construction of three vertices as a context discriminating method to lay out the nature of the congruent triangles.
 This quasi- experimental study adopted method, Taoyuan City, a junior-grade eighty-two normal classes of 54 students as the research object, congruent properties experimental group constructivist teaching context vertices of the triangle discussion,
control group textbook Ruler interpreted as a teaching context.
 Research shows: there is no difference in the experimental group and a control group of academic performance, experimental group and a control group to test minus pretest after the breakdown of average scores Jie significant progress. This experiment teaching students still significant help.
Experimental and control groups Jie higher propensity classes will and confidence, reflecting the steps and through the structured design textbooks help improve students' willingness to learn, willingness to experiment in high school tends to be more over 70%, it is possible comprehension teaching tends to over 70%. Also in the control group, in accordance with the design textbook context, over half are also more willingness class feel, and understand the extent of the tendency of materials up to Qi Cheng. While the experimental group with learning difficulties and low propensity to spend effort, reflecting the design of this unit does not cause learning disabilities learning materials may also explain design can effectively reduce the intrinsic cognitive load, it takes effort to understand the unit tends to neutral.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070352818