Title: | 豐田式開發系統之可行性分析-以電子業為例 Feasibility Analysis of Toyota Development System – A case study of The Electronics industry |
Authors: | 王冠驊 李榮貴 彭文理 Wang, Kuan-Hua 管理學院工業工程與管理學程 |
Keywords: | Set Based;新產品開發;台灣電子產業;Set Based;New Products development;Taiwan electronics industry |
Issue Date: | 2017 |
Abstract: | 台灣電子業目前已進入高原期,成長動能趨緩,新產品的創新與開發已成為企業生存與發展的關鍵因素;而產品週期短、市場與客戶的需求不停地改變、開發成本急遽的降低則是現今新產品開發時所遇到的最大挑戰,豐田汽車將其著名的TPS 管理方法-徹底消除浪費的思維同樣應用於新產品開發。依據研究顯示豐田汽車的開發效率是其他同業的兩倍,而其他同樣導入豐田式創新管理方法的歐美企業,如哈雷機車曾經一度瀕臨倒閉,卻在導入豐田式創新管理方法後將年開發機種數從原先的0.74機種,倍增到4.5機種; 福特汽車,整體開發時程縮短百分之四十都可證明其優異的表現。
本研究欲探討目前電子業使用的C流程管理方式是否仍然適用於新產品開發的管理,同時分析業界對於豐田式創新開發中Set based 方法的理解與接受程度,藉此推論業界是否有意願導入使用與導入之後對新產品開始是否會有所幫助。本研究以「新產品開發管理模式評量表」進行調查,為避免偏頗採用網路發放的方式進行調查與資料蒐集,而訪問對象設定為產品開發團隊的研發與產品管理部門。
本研究發現C流程應用於新產品開發時容易發生中途需花費時間在非實驗與驗證的報告上、規格太早定義及團隊整合度不足的問題,進而造成新產品進度延遲或失敗的狀況。而利用Set Based方法使用於新產品開發,因其先實驗,後設計的理念。透過同步檢討多個方案,逐步縮小範圍直至確立最終規格,將所有可能造成失敗的因子逐一剔除確保新產品開發的正確性,可提供給電子業用於新產品開發時另一種管理方法的參考。 The Electronics industry is in plateau period which means little growth in certain life in Taiwan. The new challenge of product style is changing from standard specification and mass production to customize specification and high value process. When face this challenge, most company must seek an innovation process to keep advantage and growth in the future. Based on study, the Toyota development time for new vehicle is less twice time than competitor. The Toyota’s Principles of Set-Based provides an effective tool and consistently trains their team members to improve manufacturing and designing process. For example, Harley Davidson was almost closed, but when they developed management of TPS, they increased new model from 0.74 to 4.5. Moreover, Ford Motor decreased 40% of development time by using Toyota s Principles of Set-Based. This paper will discuss the C-flow process in current Electronics industry management is suitable for customize specification, and analysis possibility to develop Set based process of Toyota s Principles of Set-Based which will more effective for customize product. This study invents an assessment of new product development based on Set based conception and the access objects are set to PM and RD and broadcast by network. The result of the study indicates that doing extra report when study new knowledge period, have detailed specification at the begin and teamwork inadequate is reported are the main elements causing project delay. Set based process is follow the design progresses, they gradually narrow their respective sets of solutions based on additional information from development, testing, the customer, and other participants sets. It can be the reference guide of Taiwan Electronics industry. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463312 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/140935 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |