Title: 以認知歷程為取向之數位教材設計-以資料結構課程的樹為例
A Study of Digital Teaching Material Design Based on Cognitive Process: An Example of Trees in Data Structure Course
Authors: 蔡奇珉
Tsai, Chi-Min
Chen, Ming-Jang
Chen, Chiu-Yuan
Keywords: 認知負荷;多媒體學習;教材設計;成就水準;學習成效;資料結構;樹;二元樹;cognitive load;multimedia learning;teaching material design;achievement level;learning achievement;data structures;tree;binary tree
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本研究旨在探討元素管理良好之多媒體教材與元素管理普通之多媒體教材在大學資訊領域「資料結構」課程的學習中,對於不同成就水準學習者的學習成效與認知負荷感受的影響。為能突顯元素管理在教材設計之影響,本研究選取「資料結構」課程中,元素交互關係複雜的二元樹相關單元(含:樹、二元樹、二元搜尋樹與最大堆積)為教學內容。兩種教材均使用國立交通大學陳明璋教授及其團隊所開發的 AMA2.0 系統製作;其中「元素管理良好之教材」根據認知負荷理論以及多媒體學習理論設計;「元素管理普通之教材」以國立交通大學資訊領域年資 10 年以上的兩位老師之上課教材為設計依據(其中之一為傳統紙本教材、 另一為多媒體教材)。本研究採用準實驗研究法,參與者是新竹市某國立大學 71 位大學部學生,皆有計算機概論之基礎。實驗組與對照組均使用多媒體教材以排除媒材影響;實驗組採「元素管理良好之教材」進行教學,對照組採「元素管理普通之教材」進行教學,兩組的教學方法均為教師在課堂上親自講述並完成測驗卷及問卷。本研究採用二因子變異數分析實驗資料,以探究不同的教材設計(元素管理良好 vs 元素管理普通)與不同的成就水準(高 vs 低)學習成效以及認知負荷之影響。學習成效以學習成就測驗卷(前測、後測)的「記憶」、「理解」、「應用」與「總分」四個層次的後測成績減前測成績(亦即進步程度)評估;認知負 荷感受以認知負荷量表問卷的「內在認知負荷」、「外在認知負荷」、「有效認知負荷」三個向度進行分析。研究結果發現: (1) 教材設計與成就水準兩個變項,在學習成效的各層次均沒有顯著的交互作用。 (2) 教材設計變項對學習成效的主要效果,在「應用」層次達到顯著,其餘三個層次均未達到顯著。 (3) 成就水準變項對學習成效的主要效果,在各層次均未達到顯著。 (4) 教材設計與成就水準兩個變項,在認知負荷的各向度均沒有顯著的交互作用。 (5) 教材設計變項對認知負荷的主要效果,在「內在認知負荷」與「外在認知負荷」兩個向度達到顯著,在「有效認知負荷」向度未達顯著。 (6) 成就水準變項對認知負荷的主要效果,在認知負荷的各向度均未達到顯著。 綜上所述,元素管理的良好與否,在元素交互關係複雜的「資料結構」二元樹相關單元的教材設計上,對於學習者在學習成效的「應用」層次上的提升、以及學習者的「內在認知負荷」與「外在認知負荷」的降低,均有顯著影響。因此,元素管理在多媒體教材設計中是重要的考量因素之一。
The purpose of this thesis was to explore the effects of using digital teaching material with low element interactivity on the learning of Data Structure course, which is a fundamental course in computer sciences. To explore such effects, topics related to binary trees in Data Structures (including trees, binary search trees, and max heaps) were selected as the teaching materials due to the fact that these topics have high element interactivity. Both the experimental group and the control group used digital teaching materials that were designed by AMA2.0. The digital teaching material on the experimental group was based on the cognitive load theory and the multimedia learning theory; therefore, this teaching material had low element interactivity. On the other hand, the digital teaching material on the control group was based on the teaching materials of two senior faculty members of a national university in Hsinchu City; this teaching material had higher element interactivity. This thesis resulted in three main findings. First, the students in the experimental group showed significantly better learning achievement than those in the control group when the application level of the progress rate was considered, where the progress rate was defined as the post-test score minus the pre-test score. Second, the students in the experimental group felt significantly decreased intrinsic cognitive load than those in the control group. Finally, the students in the experimental group felt significantly decreased extraneous cognitive load than those in the control group. Based on these results, element interactivity is an important issue in the design of digital teaching materials. Several suggestions for future teaching and research are suggested at the end of this thesis.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070452218
Appears in Collections:Thesis