标题: P2P学生借贷之社群推荐机制
A Social Recommendation Mechanism for P2P student lending
作者: 林奕彤
Lin, Yi-Tung
Li, Yung-Ming
关键字: P2P学生借贷;社群网路;资讯不对称;社群推荐;社群关系;P2P student lending;social network;information asymmetry;social recommendation;social relationship
公开日期: 2017
摘要: P2P 网路借贷(Peer-to-Peer Lending)是金融科技(Fintech)浪潮中的一个趋势,在网路平台上,个体对个体的直接借贷行为,去除传统中介-银行的角色,利用网路平台作为中介业务。而此类网路平台往往受制于资讯不对称、缺乏良好信用评价机制等困扰,导致贷款人怯于投入资金,甚至出现逆向选择(adverse selection)。本文以学生借贷为研究环境,提出一种推荐机制,期望借助社会资本与社群之计算,分析贷款人的投资意愿、学历背景相似度、与借款人之间的关系,让贷款人能够快速找到合适的借款人;同时可解决传统学贷金额限制、利率过高之困境。
Peer-to- peer lending is one of the new trends in the field of financial technology. Without the intermediary of financial institution, individual borrowers can directly carry out a loan transaction with individual lender. Traditional banks are no longer the only place where can apply for a loan. Nevertheless, most of peer-to-peer lending platforms lack little opportunity for face to face contact between borrower and lenders, and cannot provide complete credit rating system to evaluate borrower’s identity, which results in the asymmetric information problems and lenders are unwilling to investing money, or even bring about the adverse selection problem.
In our research, we take the student loan market as the research target and propose a social recommendation mechanism borrowers based on the theory of social capital and social computing. Through analyzing users’ investment inclination, borrower performance, academic similarity and relationship, we help lenders find suitable borrowers, meanwhile, solve the difficulty that students face in getting a loan in traditional financial institution.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453431