Title: 公司與員工間之利益衡平-以競業禁止為中心
The Study Of Interest Balancing between Companied and Employees - Focusing on Non-Competition
Authors: 賴宏欽
Lai, Hon-Chin
Wang, Wen-Jie
Huang, Yi-Hou
Keywords: 競業禁止;Non-competition
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 競業禁止是求職者或公司老闆可能會面臨到的問題,藉由此次論文研究多一些了解相關法規的規定即業主與員工之間的協定,減少些紛爭,多一些正能量來面對現今環境的挑戰。憲法雖有保障人們的工作權,然業主也會列出有相關的條款來約束,在職及離職間的對價關係是要拿捏得宜達到平衡,因此對於現行法規的了解相當重要。 本論文由基本觀念的了解,進而研究競業禁止的種類及相關法規,深入了解後其實在職及離職皆受現行法規之約束,然其最大目的是避免競爭對手惡意挖角,及固有秘密利益外洩,這也就是為何需要訂定競業禁止法規給予大家依循!當然法規不能只偏坦資方,勞工因工作經驗也因此有更強的工作能力,需平等看待,契約訂定原則是自由的只要不違背善良風俗雙方合意即可。 競業禁止範圍包含在職及離職,大部分都是因離職後工作糾紛而起,因此研究離職後競業禁止關規定相形重要,目前最新法規及判決大部分會以以下四原則當參考依據一、雇主有應受保護之正當營業利益。二、勞工擔任之職位或職務,能接觸或使用雇主之營業祕密。三、競業禁止之期間、區域、.職業活動之範圍及就業對象,未逾合理範疇。四、雇主對勞工因不從事競業行為所受損失有合理補償。 參考德國及美國的規定,美國相較於台灣,美國較著重合理性。然德國的勞方相較受到保護。規定須隨環境及時空背景不同做調整,此須實務及立法者共同努力,已達最佳平衡點!
The prohibition of competition is a problem that may be faced by job seekers or company owner. By this paper, we will learn more about the regulations, that is, the better agreement between the owners and the employees, and then reduce the number of disputes.. Although the Constitution has the right to protect people's work, but the owners will also have the relevant provisions to be bound, so the understanding of the existing regulations is very important. In this paper, study the basic concept of non-compete and related laws and regulations, in-depth understanding of the fact that on job and quit are subject to the existing laws and regulations of the constraints, but its biggest purpose is to avoid malicious competitors, and inherent secret interests, Which is why the need to set the non-competition laws and regulations to give us to follow! Of course, the laws and regulations can not only for employers, workers , to be treated on an equal basis, the contract has got both sides agreement. The scope of the prohibition of non-competition includes in-service and resignation, most of them are due to work disputes after leaving the company, so the study of the separation of non-compete is more important. Current regulations and judgments are following four principles as the reference basis, 1. Employers have legitimate business interests that should be protected. 2. The position or position of the worker shall be in contact with or used by the employer's business secret. 3, the non-competition period, the region, the scope of professional activities and employment objects, not more than reasonable areas. 4. Employers have reasonable compensation for the loss of labor due to non-competition. According to the provisions of Germany and the United States, the United States compared to Taiwan, the United States is more emphasis on rationality, but the German labor is relatively protected. The background and the environment is change all the times, how to provide the east balance point is rely on the experience and legislators work and make the regulation better in the future.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463027
Appears in Collections:Thesis