Title: 藝文造鎮:新竹縣關西鎮社區營造的過去、現在與未來
Building Communities through Art and Culture:The Past, Present, and Future of Community Development in Guanxi Township, Hsinchu County.
Authors: 仲麗中
Chung, Li-Chung
Lo, Lieh-Shih
Keywords: 關西;藝文;社區營造;Guanxi;Art and Culture;Community Development
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本論文探討關西小鎮,一個以藝文美學的方式作為社區營造手段來打造的文化村落,從過去的培育到現在的藝文擾動以及未來的契機。2012年「關西藝術節築夢團隊」,以社區營造蹲點的手法,推動表演藝術種籽在關西發芽,以藝術節慶活動行銷手法,讓更多人走進關西,為傳統客家庄走出一條不一樣的文化藝術創意產業之路。隔年開始,藉由文化部多項補助計畫,「東安古橋音樂會」、「關西藝術節」、「打造關西藝術文創街區」等,逐步打造關西成為文化藝術村落的新亮點。本研究者搜集了相關參與社區營造團隊的正式活動及計畫的成果報告書,訪談了相關活動與計畫重要的參與者,以及整理關西鎮公所2009年至2016年社區團體補助資料,獲得以下研究發現:一、關西藝文形塑社區之居民的美學素養待被轉化。二、關西居民的需求與文化局所主導的社區營造活動二者之間的落差待弭平。三、政府部門與外來投入藝文社區營造力量大於在地社區居民的主動參與意願。
This study investigates the Guanxi Township, a cultural village which is built and developed in an aesthetic way. Regarding the past cultivation, present activities, and future opportunities. By means of the empowerment and development in a selected community, Guanxi Art Festival Dreamers Team tried to germinate the seeds of the performing arts in Guanxi Township and to attract more visitors to visit Guanxi by art festivals marketing and promotion in 2012. It led this traditional Hakka village into the Cultural arts and Creative Industry. Through the programs that were supported and subsidized by Ministry of Culture in the following years, such as 'Dongan Ancient Bridge Concert', 'Guanxi Art Festival', 'Building District through Arts, Culture and Creativity in Guanxi Township', Guanxi Township is built as a distinctive cultural arts village. We collected the Team of community empowerment achievement reports and interviewed important participants of related activities and plans, and compiled the information about the communities and groups subsidized by Guanxi Township Office in 2009-2016. We obtained the following conclusions: First of all, the aesthetics of the inhabitants of Guanxi Township needs to be improved. Secondly, the gap of activities of communities development between Guanxi inhabitants' demands and the ones led by Ministry of Culture needs to be filled. Finally, the investment of the government and external groups is larger than the willingness of the inhabitants' active participation.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070455501
Appears in Collections:Thesis