Title: 主動式相位陣列雷達和基頻相位延遲
Active Phased Array Radar with Baseband Phase Shifting
Authors: 陳元璞
Chen, Yuan-Pu
Wang, Yu-Jiu
Keywords: 相控陣列;基頻相位延遲;收發器;phased Array;baseband phase shifting;transceiver
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 傳統機械式軍事雷達,是透過旋轉天線的方式來接收不同方向的訊號,借此偵察物體方向與速度,但此方法消耗太長的偵測時間,對於軍事來說時間非常重要,此法被漸漸遺棄。並使用新的方法-電子式雷達,其中最普遍的為相位陣列天線構成的雷達,透過電路的運作,可調整接收方向的增益,藉此接收固定方向的訊號,比起機械式的快了許多。此篇論文將介紹一個操作在35GHz的65奈米CMOS四通道可延展相位陣列雷達。此相位陣列雷達採用直接降頻的架構,並且使用基頻相位延遲,系統所需的直流偏壓由一低電壓帶差參考電路產生。本地震盪器採用駐波震盪器(SWO) 以減少四通道的繞線複雜度。每一通接收端有66 dB的增益、4.4 dB的雜訊指數及發送端有18.5 dBm的輸出功率。
In convention, the military radar is mechanical, it receives the signal by rotating the antenna. The motion costs long time. Since the speed of detecting is very important in military, the method is left gradually. Electronic radar is presented, the phased array is the popular one. It receives signal at unique direction with some gain by circuits. Without rotating, it is faster than the conventional radar. This paper will introduce a 35 GHz 65nm CMOS scalable four-element phased array. The phased array receiver utilizes a homodyne topology and locate the phase shifter in baseband and the DC bias of while system is generated by a low supply voltage bandgap reference. The system also uses direct-coupled standing wave oscillator array to simplify the LO routing. Each receiver presents 66 dB conversion gain, 4.4 dB noise figure and each transmitter outputs sustainable 18.5dBm output power at 35GHz.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070350193
Appears in Collections:Thesis