标题: 行动装置app之新创公司初期重大挑战-以越南为例
Key challenges in early-stages of mobile app startups in Vietnam
作者: 杜海勇
Do, Hai Dung
Huang, Kevin
关键字: 新创公司;手机应用程式;主要挑战;创立初期;Startups;Early Stages;Mobile apps;Key challenges;Vietnam
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 手机应用程式的新创公司近几年在越南急遽增加。因此,探讨这些手机应用程式新创公司在发展初期会遭遇什么挑战的需求也持续增加。此研究透过分析15家越南手机应用新创公司的47则媒体访谈和研究三家手机应用程式新创公司的案例,调查越南的手机应用程式新创公司于创立初期会面对什么主要挑战。两种不同的研究方法被使用在此研究以加强研究结果的信度。本研究之量化研究方法用来分析新创公司创办者的访谈,并发现主要的挑战可分成六大类:财务、人力资源、市场、政府、支持机制及社会与文化。十项最常见的挑战中,有九项与财务、市场和人力资源有关。最常见的挑战与人力资源有关,接着是与财务和市场相关的挑战。质性研究方法使用在访谈三家新创公司,能以情境式的方式更加瞭解每一家新创公司在成长阶段所需面对的典型挑战。此外,这也提供了在越南关于法律和扶持机制有关之相关挑战的初步见解,且这些见解需要未来更进一步地研究。
The number of mobile app startups has exploded in Vietnam in recent years. There is a need for exploring what challenges mobile app startups may face during their infancy. This study investigates key challenges in early stages of mobile app startups in Vietnam through an analysis of 47 interviews among 15 mobile app startups on media and multiple case studies of three different mobile app startups. A mixed research method is conducted to enhance reliability of research results. The quantitative approach, which analyzes available interviews of startups founders, provides the most common challenges that are categorized into six main groups (finance, human resources, market, government, support mechanism and society and culture). 9 out of 10 most common challenges identified are related to finance, market and human resources. Human resources related challenges appear the most, followed by finance and market related ones. The qualitative approach entails interviewing three startups, which helps to provide a better contextual understanding in terms of typical challenges that each startup faces during its stages of growth. This also provided initial insights of laws and support mechanisms related challenges in Vietnam, which call for further research in the future
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453022