Title: 探討新型功能性氧化石墨烯基材於幹細胞分化之應用
Oxygen Clustering on Graphene Oxide Nanosheets for the Enhancement of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation
Authors: 楊家維
Yang, Jia-Wei
Chen, Guan-Yu
Keywords: 氧化石墨烯;成骨;人類間葉幹細胞;氧團聚;成骨生長肽;graphene oxide;osteogenic;mesenchymal stem cell;oxygen clustering
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 在組織工程領域中,要如何讓幹細胞(stem cell)分化成特定的組織譜系(tissue lineage)一直都是具有挑戰性的重要課題之一。目前已有許多的研究團隊證實了可以利用各種不同的方法來促進幹細胞的分化,其中主要的技術有(1)基因改質;(2)添加生長因子(growth factors)或誘導物質(inducers);(3)利用複合材料或是奈米技術;(4)設計特殊的基材形狀或特性;(5)藉由外界能量(例如:光電磁)來刺激細胞的行為。但是除了要能夠控制幹細胞的分化之外,其中分化的純度和速度也是重要的指標,因此本研究將開發一套生物奈米介面技術的系統來調控及加速幹細胞的分化,利用氧化石墨烯(graphene oxide, GO)作為一個複合性之基材介面,來進行人類間葉幹細胞(human mesenchymal stem cells, hMSCs)之分化應用。
我們目前已經成功利用溫度改質的方法,使得GO表面的氧官能基(oxygen functional group)產生移動聚集的現象,也提升了GO的特性以及表面碳原子結構的完整性(sp2),並且同時發現使用改質後的GO能夠大幅促進hMSCs往硬骨分化的程度,實驗中將利用茜素紅S (alizarin red S, ARS)及免疫染色法進行分析探討。此外,我們還發現改質後的GO能夠鍵結上更多的成骨生長肽(osteogenic growth peptide, OGP),後續將使用GO/OGP來進行hMSCs成骨分化的效率評估。

The differentiation of stem cell toward specific tissue lineage is a major part of challenging issues in tissue engineering. To date, a number of different approaches have been demonstrated for enhancing stem cell differentiation, including the gene transfer, surface patterning and nanomaterial. Here, we focus on developing graphene oxide (GO) as a nano-bio interface for controlling the fate of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). The phase transformation (oxygen clustering) in graphene oxide had been induced and resulted in an unique surface which accelerates human mesenchymal stem cell to differentiate into osteoblast lineage. Overall, our work highlights a general route to improve functionalization of GO for stem cell applications.

Keywords: graphene oxide, osteogenic, mesenchymal stem cell, oxygen clustering
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070460422
Appears in Collections:Thesis