Title: 基於oneM2M的物聯網協定整合
oneM2M-based IoT Protocol Integration
Authors: 吳家瑋
Wu, Chia-Wei
Lin, Fuchun Joseph
Keywords: oneM2M;AllJoyn;Iotivity;裝置管理;協定整合;物聯網;oneM2M;AllJoyn;Iotivity;device management;protocol integration;IoT
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 智慧聯網(IoT)是資通訊技術的當前趨勢。為了實現智能服務的發展,許多的智慧聯網平台被提出來以便設備能夠安全可靠地互連及連接到網路,例如Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) 的 IoTivity、AllSeen Alliance的 AllJoyn、Google Weave或Apple HomeKit。 然而,多種的智慧聯網協定使得智慧聯網應用的開發變得非常困難,因為它需要每個智慧聯網設備和應用支援許多協定以便能無縫地連接到這些採用不同協定標準的平台。為了解決這個問題,我們提出利用 oneM2M 國際標準當作中介軟體來整合不同的智慧聯網協定。 oneM2M已經定訂了如何利用Interworking Proxy Application Entity (IPE)來整合IoTivity和AllJoyn的技術規範,在這篇論文當中,我們根據oneM2M技術規範提出這個IPE的設計和實作的方法,並且特別専注於整合這些不同標準平台的裝置管理功能,這是目前標準規範還缺乏的部份。藉由實際的實現,我們評估兩種設備管理互通設計的實驗結果,來提出整合架構的最佳設計。
In order to enable the development of smart services, many IoT platforms were proposed to securely and reliably connect IoT devices to the Internet and to each other. Examples are IoTivity from Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF), AllJoyn from AllSeen Alliance, Weave from Google and HomeKit from Apple. However, such fragmentation of IoT platforms has made the development of IoT applications very difficult as it requires each IoT device and application support many protocols in order to connect to an available platform. To resolve this problem, we propose to use oneM2M International standards as the middleware for IoT protocols integration. The oneM2M technical specifications have defined how oneM2M can be used to interwork with IoTivity and AllJoyn based on Interworking Proxy Application Entity (IPE). In this thesis, we propose how to design and implement such an IPE based on the oneM2M specifications for bridging oneM2M and IoTivity/AllJoyn. In particular, we address the mappings of device management functions among these platforms where standard specifications are still lacking. Via actual implementation, we evaluate two interworking designs for device management in order to identify the best one for protocol integration.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070456508
Appears in Collections:Thesis