Title: 應用智慧區塊鏈技術與金融監管科技設計複雜之多方交易系統
Applying smart blockchain techniques and regulatory technology to design complicated multi-party trading syste
Authors: 蔡洺吾
Tsai, Ming-Wu
Chen, An-Pin
Huang, Szu-Hao
Keywords: 區塊鏈;監管科技;可轉換公司債;Blockchain;RegTech;Convertible bonds
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本研究應用智慧區塊鏈技術與金融監管科技設計複雜之多方交易系統。金融科技於金融領域掀起一股熱潮,而支付項目的創新,是目前廣為大眾認知且發展最快的項目,在其無現金支付項目,數位貨幣扮演了重要的角色,而比特幣為現今最成功的數位貨幣之一。區塊鏈技術為比特幣所提出的技術,其達到公開透明、安全、匿名等特性,區塊鏈技術分散式的設計,讓點對點交易間,經由挖礦進行交易的驗證而不需要倚賴中介機構。監管科技為「能更有效率與效果的解決監管與合規性要求的新科技」,我們以可轉換公司債為例,應用區塊鏈技術與監管科技設計結構型商品所需更複雜與多邊的交易系統,以解決即時撮合、拆解與組合等問題。本研究主要貢獻為1) 以區塊鏈技術打造複雜的多方交易系統、2) 透過混合式區塊鏈達到合理的權限控管、3) 區塊鏈上監管機構的介入與監管機制的實作。的介入與監管機制的實作。
This study applies smart blockchain techniques and financial regulatory technology (RegTech) to design complicated multi-party trading system. Financial technology, also known as FinTech, is a revolutionary innovations in all finance and banking fields. The innovation in digital payment is currently rapidly growing and well known as a good automation application. In this cashless world, digital currency plays an important role, while the Bitcoin as the most successful currency. The blockchain technique behind Bitcoin is a novel information infrastructure which can realize distributed data storage in a transparent, secure and anonymous way. Its decentralized design can verify P2P transaction by numerous unspecified miners without relying on the intermediary. The Regulatory Technology means "more efficient and effective solution to the regulatory and compliance requirements of the new technology." This thesis takes intelligent convertible bonds (CB) trading and management system as an example to implement the complicated multi-party trading with blockchain and regulatory technology. It solves some practical inequity of current financial markets by developing real-time matching framework, automatic destruction and combination methods on convertible bonds. The main contributions of this study are 1) to create a complicated multi-party trading system with blockchain techniques, 2) to achieve reasonable authority management through hybrid blockchain, 3) implementation of regulatory technology and regulatory mechanisms in the blockchain.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453423
Appears in Collections:Thesis