Title: | 低功耗藍牙傳輸技術應用於無線資料擷取之研究 The Study of Wireless Data Acquisition Channel Using Bluetooth Low Energy Technology |
Authors: | 段晉雲 成維華 鄭時龍 Tuan, Chin-Yun Chieng, Wei-Hua Jeng, Shi-Long 工學院半導體材料與製程設備學程 |
Keywords: | 低功耗藍牙;無線資料擷取;Bluetooth Low Energy;Wireless Data Acquisition Channel |
Issue Date: | 2017 |
Abstract: | 隨著智慧工廠與工業4.0的概念興起,智能感測與遠端監控技術將在未來智慧化工廠中扮演重要角色。 特別在半導體產業方面,由於先進製程的發展及對良率提升的迫切需要,半導體晶圓廠對於機台設備及相關環境參數等都需要能夠即時監控產品生產的溫度、濕度、壓力、氣體、電壓、電流、振動及酸鹼度等參數,並對異常發生時能即時反應控制及達到全自動無人化半導體晶圓廠,進而提升競爭力。
本研究採數位、類比等感應訊號接收,搭配小體積、低耗電的感測器偵測環境參數變化,能將所得到的環境參數資訊透過低功耗藍牙無線通訊技術的功能傳回到後端的資訊系統,並利用數位、類比等輸出訊號對受控機台設備或裝置進行資料擷取,以達到即使監控及時反應的目的,而使生產製程及良率更為提高。 With the evolution of modern factory and the rise of the concept of “ Industry 4.0 ” , both the smart sensor network and remote sensor system would play an important role on the following change. Especially in the semiconductor industry, for the manufacture processes and facilities, the needs to remote sensor the related environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, pressure, types of gases, electrical voltage, electrical current¸vibration and acid., etcs are essentials for the higher yield rate. Prompt detecte and response once the out-of-limit events happened are the basics to become smart foundry. Based on the above reasons, this thesis aims to fulfil a wireless sensor network platform that using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication technology with both of the digital and analog signal channels to detect the corresponding signals from the extra varietys of sensors and then to transmit the data via the Bluetooth wireless technology to the computer-end to display the corresponding information on the Human-Machine Interface program. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070061313 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/141743 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |