Title: 以原子層沉積法製作低基板相依之氮化鈦新穎電漿子材料
Fabrication of The Substrate-insensitive Titanium Nitride of Alternative Plasmonic Material by Atomic Layer Deposition
Authors: 林硯威
Keywords: 氮化鈦;表面電漿;電漿子;原子層沉積;Titanium nitride;plasmonic;atomic layer deposition
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 氮化鈦(Titanium Nitride, TiN)被視為是一種新穎的表面電漿材料,其穩定的化學性質加上優異的表面電漿特性,都一再的被提出來作為取代金、銀等傳統材料。氮化鈦薄膜的表面電漿特性在普遍所使用的機台上(如:濺鍍機)往往受到基板的不同而產生影響,而本研究中我們以原子層沉積法(Atomic Layer Deposition, ALD)成長氮化鈦薄膜,在我們準備的五種基板中,氮化鈦薄膜不論在膜厚、電性或光學性質……等薄膜特性上都能有良好的一致性,且能透過製程或是製程後進行熱退火之溫度差異進而調變薄膜特性,這也是氮化鈦相對於傳統材料上的一大優勢。即便我們嘗試以氮含量不同的基板進行成膜,薄膜在原子層沉積下也不因氮鍵結的差異導致特性有所差異。即使基板為複雜的三維結構,我們也能借助原子層沉積法的優勢,將氮化鈦薄膜完美的批覆於三維結構上,提供一個成長氮化鈦時具有低基板相依性的製程方法。
Because of chemical stability and plasmonic performance, titanium nitride (TiN) has been proposed as an alternative plasmonic material that replace with conventional material. When using the typical deposition system such as sputtering, the plasmonic properties of TiN depend on the selection of substrates. In our research, the optical and elctrical properties of TiN deposited on five different substrates by atomic layer system has good uniformity and also can be tuned by deposited and annealing temperatures. Our results also show that substrates with more nitrogen-terminated (N-terminated) surface will not impact the properties of the TiN. Even though the structure of substrates are complex, ALD can deposited the TiN films well by the capability of conformal coating.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070458236
Appears in Collections:Thesis