Title: 由模擬電腦遊戲進行英語學習之小組互動和學生觀感
Group Interaction and Student Attitudes to a Simulation Game for English Learning
Authors: 馬克
Mark, Hughes
Chang, Ching-Fen
Keywords: 數位遊戲式學習;同儕互動;社會文化理論;鷹架理論;模擬;學生態度;digital game-based language learning;peer interaction;sociocultural theory;scaffolding;simulations;student attitudes
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 近年來,數位遊戲因其在文化及教育上的價值已經成為學術研究的重點,其在教育上的應用也趨於增加;在眾多的數位遊戲中,模擬遊戲尤其被視為可以運用在第二語言的課堂。本研究以社會文化理論之架構為基礎,主要探討學生互動以及共同建構學習第二語言的可能性。文獻回顧一開始探討跟社會文化理論相關的重要議題,包括同儕互動和鷹架教學策略,緊接著介紹數位遊戲式語言學習的背景,包括與其領域相關的研究,在其過程中作者發掘了一些研究契機。本研究探討兩個面向:一英語學習者在進行模擬電玩遊戲互動之過程中的互動模式;二為學生對於以遊戲學習英語的態度與感受。研究資料經由問卷調查、遊戲進行中和討論時的錄音錄影、觀察記錄、學生訪談及學生回饋彙整而成。本研究發現,參與者傾向協同合作或以專家/新手的形式完成任務;然而,學生的角色會隨合作同伴的不同而有所改變。另外,個別學生的互動模式在彼此互動中也會時而改變;本研究亦發現學生大多對透過模擬遊戲學習第二語言和進行小組互動持正面的態度,研究結果也對於教育工作者和教育機構採用模擬遊戲進行語言學習將面臨到的機會與挑戰提供建議。
In recent years, Computer and video games have become a focus of academic research for their cultural and educational value. Simulations are one type of games which have been shown to hold potential for learning in the L2 classroom. Framed by sociocultural theory as a theoretical framework, this research examined the social nature of student dyad interaction and the potential for collaborative co-construction of L2 knowledge during video game play. Previous research has examined game-based learning through the application of simulations, through formal language learning, in relation to vocabulary learning, and in regard to learner attitudes and affect. The purpose of this research is twofold: the first was to explore the nature of English L2 learners’ interactions during simulation video game play. The second was to explore the participants’ experiences while playing the game and working in dyads or small groups. The data were collected from a demographic survey, audio recordings of group interactions and class discussions, observations, participant interviews and student reflections. Their interactions were analysed and discussed via the adoption of an existing model of dyadic interaction in addition to several features of peer interaction. The study found that the groups generally worked in collaborative or expert/novice configurations to complete the tasks. However, the students’ roles could change depending on who their partner was. Moreover, the participants’ interaction patterns could change from moment to moment within their interactions. The findings also showed that the students were generally positive about the potential for L2 learning and group work. Implications and suggestions drawn from the findings were provided for educators and institutions where game-based learning is implemented.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359811
Appears in Collections:Thesis