Title: 臺北飛航情報區過境航路費定價策略之研究
A Study on the Pricing Strategy for the Overflight Charge of Taipei Flight Information Region
Authors: 陳盈曉
Keywords: 過境航路費;飛航服務費;專家訪談法;En-Route Navigation Charges;Air Navigation Service Charges;Expert Interviews
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 近年來,亞洲區域經濟發展、旅客需求成長及廉價航空興起等多重助力,帶動我國航空運輸成長,加上為使所提供之飛航服務符合國際ICAO之規範,每年需投入大量資本於系統設備汰換、增設、維護,以及人員訓練等等。考量順應世界航空市場競爭態勢及合理反映相關服務費用,重新研擬臺北飛航情報區飛航服務費定價策略實屬必要。 基於上述研究背景與動機,本研究透過與產、官、學三方專家深入訪談的方式,探討本區調整過境航路費結構之可行性及可調整的幅度。最後總結訪談結果,並提出未來如調整過境航路費之建議,以期充分利用航路資源、提高營收並確保投入設施與人員之成本回收。
In recent years, a significant growth has been observed for the aviation industry in Taiwan, largely due to the economic development in Asia-pacific region and the induced travel demand increase, combined with the growing popularity of Low-Cost Carriers. In line with the growth of travel demand and the required compliance of the standards for air navigation service, the civil aviation authority has invested heavily in replacing, enhancing, and maintaining the air traffic control related facilities as well as in the training of aviation personnel training. Given the rising competition of the aviation industry and the concern over reflecting the associated expense in a reasonable way, it is necessary to evaluate all possible options for adjusting the current pricing strategy for the air navigation service of Taipei FIR (Flight Information Region). In this study, we have performed in-depth interviews with the experts from the airline industry and the ATC service provides as well as the scholars from the field of air transport, in the hope of discussing and understanding the feasibility of revising the current charging mechanism and the associated issues such as the extent of the adjustment. Finally, conclusions are drawn based on the summarized findings from interviews. In addition, appropriate and concrete suggestions are made to address the needs for the civil aviation authority.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463623
Appears in Collections:Thesis