Title: Java處理器上的自動化垃圾回收記憶體管理電路設計
Hardware Garbage Collecting Memory Manager for a Java Processor
Authors: 紀韋仲
Ji, Wei-Jhong
Tsai, Chun-Jen
Keywords: 處理器;垃圾收集;記憶體管理;參考計數;garbage collection;memory management;java processor;reference count
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本論文設計了兩個給 Java 處理器使用的管理記憶體的電路元件,一個是用在執行創造Java物件時(new object),從heap 空間分配一塊可用空間給該物件的Memory Management電路,另一個是Java處理器上的Garbage Collection Unit電路,Memory Management Unit負責讓Java處理器在執行中,透過此電路,管理整個heap空間的使用,而Garbage Collection電路則以不影響效能為優先,同時負責在背景收集 heap 空間中的垃圾物件,降低執行過程中的額外負擔。而在heap 空間的管理方面,則引進Free list BRAM,紀錄收集起來的heap空間,當要求小的記憶體空間時,則可以快速回應,藉由此設計使記憶體使用率可以更好,並且透過此設計達到能夠自動回收垃圾物件、重複利用記憶體空間。整個設計都在FPGA實作出來,並整合進現有的Java處理器進行全系統的驗證。
This thesis is developed based on a Java Application IP(JAIP). We propose two component to manage heap space for JAIP. One is Garbage Collection Unit with reference counting algorithm and one is Memory Management Unit. Memory Management Unit provides an interface for creating objects and manages the heap space. Garbage Collection Unit collects garbage objects in background in order to reduce overheads.
In this thesis, we used Free lists(BRAM) to record free space. If heap allocation size is less than 32 words, JAIP can efficiently allocate small memory blocks. We improve the utilization of the heap memory with this design.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070456074
Appears in Collections:Thesis