标题: MRP与DDMRP管理机制之比较分析
A Comparison between MRP and DDMRP
作者: 郑雨恩
Cheng, Yu-En
Li, Rong-Kwei
关键字: MRP;DDMRP;物料管理;MRP;DDMRP;materials management
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 在现今全球竞争激烈的环境下,物料管理为企业所应重视的课题之一,在实务上,许多公司利用MRP系统为主要的物料管理机制,虽然MRP系统被广泛使用,但该系统本身物料相依性的特色容易让物料管理常处于十分紧张的状态,业界员工需时常关注MRP系统以防有缺货的状况,因此即使业界内部有MRP系统,在实务上员工基于对MRP系统的不信任,反而偏向使用其他软体来管理物料。针对MRP在使用上的困难以及不足之处,Carol Park与Chad Smith发展出DDMRP系统来补足MRP系统。因此,本研究透过文献整理来探讨MRP与DDMRP两种管理机制之间的差异,再利用Excel VBA软体来模拟两者的物料管理逻辑,并分析模拟后的结果,期望藉由模拟后的结果,提供给现在仍然使用MRP系统的业者,使其认识DDMRP系统并激发想法,帮助业界考虑采用DDMRP系统。
In today's highly competitive environment, materials management is pretty important to enterprises. In practice, many companies apply MRP system to manage their materials. However, interdependence of materials in the MRP makes the system nervous. As a result, employees have to pay attention to the system all the time in order to avoid lack of supplies. In addition, although many companies apply MRP system, employees prefer to use other soft wares to manage materials because employees do not trust the MRP system. Therefore, Carol Park and Chad Smith developed DDMRP system to complement MRP system. Consequently, This research compares differences between MRP and DDMRP and models logic of MRP and DDMRP in order to make companies who uses MRP system be familiar with DDMRP and consider using DDMRP as their materials management system.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353308