标题: 分析台湾与全球电竞游戏市场现况
An Analysis of Taiwan and the Global Gaming Market
作者: 何治超
Ho, Chih-Chao
关键字: 电竞市场;Gaming Market
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究是在比较台湾以及全球电竞游戏市场的差异。电竞游戏市场是未来发展前景非常看好的一个产业。本研究目的是为了瞭解台湾市场与全球市场的差异,让未来台湾游戏产业了解整个台湾游戏产业大环境以利于做出任何策略及决定。

本研究主要使用Uses and Gratifications Theory研究方法来对所选择的游戏一一进行分析。透过销售量以及游玩人数的数据比较下发现台湾跟全球市场有很大的差异,因此详细比较了这些游戏并且了解其差异性背后真正的原因。在了解背后原因后,要如何保持其独特性甚至利用其独特性来推广至台湾市场。

This study is a comparison of Taiwan and the global gaming market differences. Electricity game market is a promising industry in the future. The purpose of this study is to understand the differences between the Taiwan market and the global market so that the Taiwan game industry is able to understand the entire gaming industry environment and capable to facilitate any strategy and decision in the future.。

This study mainly uses “Uses and Gratifications Theory” to analyze the selected games. Through the comparison of the sales number and the number of players, the result has shown that Taiwanese market has a big difference with the global market. After understanding the reasons for the differences, it is crucial knowing how to maintain its uniqueness and even use it to promote the Taiwanese market.

The results of this study confirm that the element for games to be popular have consisted with the elements of the research method, and each element is interlocking with each other. Therefore, including these elements can then affect the gaming market share.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453512