Title: 深層腦部光刺激對帕金森氏症大鼠的行為分析
Behavior analysis of Parkinson’s rat under deep brain light stimulation
Authors: 邱柏瑜
Keywords: 帕金森氏症;深層腦部光刺激;Parkinson’s;deep brain light stimulation
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本研究論文以過去光刺激大鼠大腦黑質緻密部的實驗所得知的最佳光刺激參數[1],以波長840nm的雷射光,功率1mW,持續照射五分鐘,對大鼠的黑質緻密部進行大腦深層光刺激和再刺激實驗,並以旋轉木滾輪測試(Rotarod Test)對大鼠的行為進行分析,且量測腦波比較光刺激前後的差異,找到光刺激效果持續時間,尋找一套最佳的刺激週期。結果發現光刺激效果持續時間約為兩小時至三小時,在刺激後三小時效果明顯消失,且於三小時後進行再刺激仍然會有明顯的效果出現;行為分析上,刺激前與刺激後比較,在刺激後帕金森氏症大鼠在滾輪上的時間較持久;另外在腦波的分析結果,刺激後腦波強度會明顯上升,再和先前抽取大腦脊髓液化學分析的結果,谷氨酸濃度下降,多巴胺濃度上升的變化趨勢做比較,腦波與化學分析的變化趨勢有著一定的關連性。本研究結果的發現,希望能夠讓深層腦部光刺激治療帕金森氏症時,能夠提供一個新的方向。
In the past, we have found the best light stimulation parameters for deep brain light stimulation on SNc. By using a low power laser of 1 mW at the 840 nm wavelength to continuously irradiate the SNc for 5 minutes, we found that concentrations of glutamate and dopamine respectively decreased and increased after stimulation. Also we found that the neurotransmitter concentration changes after deep light brain stimulation matched the previous EEG experiments. The primary goal of this study is to analyze the behavior of Parkinson’s rat by rotarod test after deep brain light stimulation and restimulation by using the optimal parameters of light stimulation to irradiate the SNc. At the same time, we monitored changes in EEG and neurotransmitter concentrations. As a result, we find that the elapsed time of Parkinson’s rat staying on the rod increased after stimulation. Besides, its effect could last for 2 hours to 3 hours until the next light stimulation on SNc. In addition, the results of EEG analysis showed that the EEG oscillations significantly increased after stimulation. These EEG results are consistent with the previous chemical analysis results. Through this study, we hope to promote the advancement of the deep brain light stimulation for treating the Parkinson’s disease.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070458119
Appears in Collections:Thesis