Title: 企業使用者經驗設計管理模型初探 -以台灣科技產業為例
The Management Model Development of User Experience Design in Organization -A Case Study for Taiwan Technology Industry
Authors: 陳牧晴
Keywords: UX管理;使用者經驗設計;企業UX成熟度模型;活動理論;TUXM;UX management;User experience design;Activity theory;Corporate User-Experience Maturity Model;TUXM
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 企業的核心管理策略,應從企業文化、產品設計、組織部門規劃到行銷宣傳等所有環節都不斷追求最佳使用者體驗,企業對使用者經驗管理也應提升至全方位組織策略層級思考。因此,本研究預期提供一個全面性的UX管理模型提供企業檢視自己當前管理情況並加以改善。 本研究首先以質性訪談方式深入了解國內企業實踐UX較為成熟者的經營與運作方式,再整合國外成功企業的案例與設計模型導入的方式,以親和圖方式整理深訪資料。接著與全面品質管理原則(TQM)進行匹配,最終建構適用於國內企業的「全面性使用者經驗設計管理」(Total User Experience Management,以下簡稱TUXM)。 為了提供企業更有效的管理工具,本研究再將TUXM與「企業UX成熟度模型」進行匹配,以整理出更具體的企業UX管理方針。本研究模型最終能夠提供三方面的檢核運用: (1) 將所有企業放入模型,整體看出台灣企業UX發展現況。 (2) 針對個別企業,可以作為檢視該企業UX資源分配的情況。 (3) 將國外優秀UX發展情況也放入此檢核表,讓本國企業可因此參考自身UX發展程度與國際間同產業者的發展差距。
This study aimed to develop a holistic user experience management model for companies to evaluate and advance their current management status. The research started with qualitative interviewed with corporations in Taiwan which has better performance in implementing UX into management and operation, then we further integrated successful foreign corporation cases and design model implementing approaches. Affinity diagrams were used to organize interview materials, through matching interview findings with Total Quality Management (TQM), Total User Experience Management (TUXM) is constructed to apply in local corporations. To provide corporations with a more effective management tool, TUXM is further paired with Corporation UX Maturity Model to generate tactical UX management guidelines. Our model provides assessment of user experience management from three dimensions: (a) Include all local corporations in our model to obtain a holistic view of the corporation UX development status in Taiwan (b) For each corporation to examine its UX resource allocation. (c) Combine international advanced UX development cases into the checklist, local corporations can realize the UX development gap when compared with international competitors in the same industry. Affinity diagrams were used to organize interview materials, through matching interview findings with Total Quality Management (TQM), Total User Experience Management (TUXM) is constructed to apply in local corporations. To provide corporations with a more effective management tool, TUXM is further paired with Corporation UX Maturity Model to generate tactical UX management guidelines. Our model provides assessment of user experience management from three dimensions: (a) Include all local corporations in our model to obtain a holistic view of the corporation UX development status in Taiwan,(b) For each corporation to examine its UX resource allocation, (c) Combine international advanced UX development cases into the checklist, local corporations can realize the UX development gap when compared with international competitors in the same industry.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070259114
Appears in Collections:Thesis