Title: | 矽晶太陽能組件之蝸牛紋現象之探討 Investigation of snail trail problem on silicon solar-cell module |
Authors: | 陳茂文 馬哲申 Chen,Mao-Wen Maa,Jer-Shen 光電科技學程 |
Keywords: | 堝牛紋;太陽能組件;電致發光;隱裂;奈米顆粒;漿料;光伏背版;透水率;交聯率;拉曼;掃描式電子顯微鏡;光學顯微鏡;電流電壓功率測試儀;太陽能電池;層壓;電勢誘導衰減;色差;snail trail;solar module;EL;micro crack;nano particle;paste;back sheet;WVTR;cross-linking rate;Raman;SEM;OM;IV tester;solar cell;Lamination;Potential Induced Degradation;discolor |
Issue Date: | 2018 |
Abstract: | 近幾年來太陽能產業發展快速,許多太陽能組件之可靠性與外觀問題也慢慢被發現,在消費者對組件外觀要求日益嚴格下,對多晶矽太陽能組件之外觀問題之探討也更顯重要。 在過去太陽能電池組件主要為歐美地區安裝,近十年來亞熱帶、熱帶如泰國、印度、印尼等高濕熱區安裝太陽能電池數量大增,不管安裝地點,近幾年陸續出現許多之品質問題。 本論文主要是探討太陽能組件之使用上有何不良狀況,並對目前主要對於外觀不良組件進行介紹及調查蝸牛紋發生可能原因與進行分析。透過實験分類得出蝸牛紋之真正原因及其防制對策。並由電池端與組件端兩方面進行問題的確認。在電池上,得知銀漿顆粒大小及玻璃粉含量會影響其在高溫高濕環境下氧化之速度。在分析上利用光伏廠之電致發光儀(EL)與電流電壓(IV)功率測試儀及光學顯微鏡(OM),掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM),拉曼(Raman)測試儀,了解蝸牛紋問題是多方面起因,主要為電池片之隱裂,EVA之醋酸鹽成分與背板之透水等問題,故目前各太陽能廠都以優化組件工藝流程,優化材料選型,讓此蝸牛紋問題得以降低在太陽能組件上出現之機率,避免不必要擔憂與損失,及提高太陽能組件品質。 Under recent rapid development of solar cell module, the cosmetic quality of the module requires higher standard. In the past, the solar-modules mostly were installed in the continents of Europe and America , Recently many modules have also been installed in subtropical regions ,such as Thailand, India, Indonesia, in hot and humid weather condition. Solar module appearance problem start to surface. This thesis is focused on one of the solar module appearance problem, namely, the solar module snail trail problem; we have found that the particle size of silver and content of glass in silver paste will affect the oxidation rate at higher temperature and in humid weather condition. Further analyses using electroluminescence analysis, optical and scanning electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscope reveal that major causes are the crack of cell, material property of EVA and water penetrate from backsheet. It is essential to optimize both cell and module process flow, as well as the PV materials selection, to prevent the happening of this snail trail defect and to improve PV module weather resistance quality. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070158301 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/142927 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |