Title: 台北市運動中心之績效評估分析
Performance Evaluations of The Sport Centers in Taipei City
Authors: 楊世傳
Yang, Shih-Chuan
Shieh, Hwai-Shuh
Keywords: 運動中心;績效評估;資料包絡分析法;Tobit 迴歸;Sport Center;Performance Evaluations;Data Envelopment Analysis;Tobit Model
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 運動不足是許多國家重視的問題之一。科技進步、所得提高,生活器具的進步,人們逐漸習慣這樣便利的生活,身體的活動也越來越少,導致運動量不足。也由於健康體適能的推動,國民對運動休閒空間需求增加快速,但是土地面積小的台灣,尤其是臺北市,要找到一個舒適的環境,好好的運動也是一件不容易的事情。所以臺北市政府於2000年開始,陸續在12行政區興建運動中心,以期達成每一個行政區都有一座運動中心。 現在各行政區的運動中心已經全數完工,這12座運動中心採取OT的營運模式,其經營效率水準如何?是否有改善的空間?或是強化經營效率之策略,為本研究之研究主題。研究結果未來也可做為給其他縣市政府規劃市立運動中心參考依據。 本研究採兩階段分析探討,第一階段為應用資料包絡分析法(DEA),分析出各運動中心的效率值;再進行第二階段的Tobit迴歸分析,探討效率值與環境變數的關係,並提出策略性建議,以期達到較佳經營效率的營運模式。
Lack of exercise is a very vital issue for many countries. Because of the progressing of technology and higher income, even the innovation of life stuff, people are getting use of the convenient life, and their bodies are being less used. Government has been advocating about health exercising, and citizens also need more places to go exercising. It is not easy to find a nice place to exercise, especially in Taipei city, such that the government has built public sport center for each administrative area. All of the City Sport Centers are built, how to control or evaluate the center’s performance, and how to improve and operate the center is an important issue. The findings of the study will provide constructive suggestions to other governments for future planning. This paper are going to analysis in two stages, the first stage employs DEA method to analyze cost efficiency of 12 sport centers in Taipei. Then the second stage uses the Tobit model to explore the relationship between the cost efficiency and the environment variables. Finally the study tries to provide the helpful management strategies that aim to operate more efficiently for the managers of sport centers.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353731
Appears in Collections:Thesis