Title: 工程永續教育
Engineering Education for Sustainability:A Web-based Content Analysis
Authors: 駱承育
Lo, Cheng-Yu
Huang, Shih-Ping
Keywords: 永續教育;工程永續;永續;Engineering Sustainability;Sustainability;Education for Sustainability
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 工程與科技的發展在過去幾世紀為人類帶來諸多便利,卻也逐漸招致許多環境、經濟及社會的問題,而這些問題的累積及不可逆性也將會影響到人類的下一代。為了改善這些負面影響,永續發展的概念油然而生並且日益得到重視,許多大型的國際會議甚至公開向全世界呼籲將永續概念融入高等教育課程中,而許多工學院也積極開設永續課程訓練學生,期許學生能在學以致用發揮在未來生涯當中。 本論文使用內容分析法,從網路蒐集380間美國ABET認證之工學院課程資料,探討美國的工程永續教育概況及課程安排。結果顯示,這些工學院傾向將永續課程安排於大學程度,且著重在與環境議題相關之永續議題;此外,工程和商業管理在永續課程安排上,著重的議題不同,教學方式也有明顯差異。台灣目前在永續教育的規畫尚未完善,與國際趨勢仍有落差,期望本論文能作為台灣未來永續教育發展之參考資料。
For the past few centuries, engineering has brought human-being improvements, convenience, and a better life. However, meanwhile, in addition to all the positive impacts, engineering has, as well, caused some negative influences, including environmental, economic, and social aspects. With these negative effects rising and accumulating, it is possible that people and their next generation will soon suffer from all the problems people themselves created. In order to improve the condition, the concept of “sustainability” was proposed and soon received great international attention. Actions have been being taken worldwide for the past three decades to draw more attention and to fulfill the idea of sustainable development. Also, there have been several international meetings that call on the importance of education for sustainability. This thesis, taking advantage of a web-based content analysis, collected course data from 380 ABET-accredited engineering schools to get a clear picture of the engineering education for sustainability. The results showed these engineering schools tend to arrange sustainability-related course at graduate level. Besides, these schools put more emphasis on the issues related to environment and energy while teaching sustainability. Moreover, teaching tools for sustainability-related courses in these engineering schools are quite different from those used in business schools. This thesis will hopefully be taken as an reference for education for sustainability in Taiwan.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353506
Appears in Collections:Thesis