Title: | 動態隨機存取記憶體產業之財報分析 A study of Dynamic Random Access Memory industry Throungh Analysis on Financial Report |
Authors: | 張馨怡 鍾惠民 Chung, Hui-Min 管理學院財務金融學程 |
Keywords: | 記憶體;12吋晶圓廠;DRAM;Memory;12-inch wafe |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Abstract: | 我國記憶體產業的發展始於1991年由工研院所執行的「次微米計畫」,開啟我國記億體發展的先端,1995年後我國政府未持續投入相關研究計畫,而後我國記憶體廠商相繼設立,成為無記憶體自有技術,必須依賴德日韓之技術母廠授權,才能生產DRAM。 近年來,我國記憶體產業隨著DRAM製程提升與12吋晶圓廠興建優勢,在全球記憶體具有舉足輕重的地位,然DRAM市場是個相當資本密集的產業,價格和產業環境快速波動,造成全球DRAM廠商版圖不斷變化,市場規模劇烈。自1990年代至今,全球記憶體產業共歷經三次嚴重不景氣(1996~1998、2001及2007~2009),2008年金融海嘯導致需求萎縮,加上12吋產能大幅開出造成供過於求,我國無DRAM自有技術,更無第二大記憶體產品Nand Flash,造成廠商嚴重虧損。 本研究由分析目前全球記憶體產業開始,再剖析目前前三大記憶體廠商經營狀況,分析記憶體產業未來發展策略建議。由個案公司來看,企業成長的動能來研發技術是否快速(研發人才)及公司領導者的經營理念而產生的經營成果。我國記憶體產業必須持續快速研發以增加產品競爭力,始能真正透過技術創新及擴張策略以獲得成功。 The development of the memory industry began in 1991 by the support from Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). The main program is “Submicron Project” and it opens a new page on computer memory. However, our government unit does not continue on related research projects after 1995, and new companies related to memory are setting up successively at the same. The situation is that we don’t have profesional tenology know-how, and have to reply on technology authorization from the mother plants located in Germany, Japan, and Korea to produce DRAM.. Recently, the niches for memory industry are DRAM process enhancement and the advantages of 12 -inch wafer fab construction. It makes our memory industry plays a decisive role on worldwide. Nevertheless, the memory industry belongs to Capital-intensive section. It will reflect on the price, so the price and enviroment of memory are always in violent fluctuations. In the other hand, the ranking list for memory entities varies from minute to minute. The memory industry endeavors downtrend for 3 times since from 1990 year (1996~1998、2001 and 2007~2009). Especaily in year of 2008, it cost a huge lost for memeory entities, the main reasons are : the demand was drop due to financial crisis, oversupply on the procut, no self-owned specific DRAM technology, and can not shift to Nand Flash industry which is the number 2 in memory induary. In this study, we will start from the analysis of the current global memory industry, and then to analyze the management strategy from current top two manufacturers of memory. In the study result, it will come out some recommendations for memory industry decelopment in the near future. The case study of the company, the business growth from the rapid development of technology and the company's leadership philosophy to produce business results. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363904 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/143189 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |