Title: 中小企業經銷進口產品之成長與經營策略 -以P科技為例-
Growth and Management Strategy for Small and Medium-sized Import Distribution Business in Taiwan - a Case Study of P Technology
Authors: 簡榮富
Chen, An-Pin
Keywords: 案例;生命週期模型;破壞式創新;萃思(TRIZ);SWOT;五力 分析;Case Study;Corporate Lifecycles Model;Disruptive Innovation;TRIZ;SWOT;Five Forces Model
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 工程科系的學生不論是在研究某些物理現象或開發新產品初期均可透過實驗室進行實驗,即使是失敗風險和成本都是在可控制範圍之內;但公司經營、決策思維和商業經營環境卻是隨時間不斷流逝,決策失誤可能讓公司一夕消失,無法像工程實驗一樣重複作實驗,哈佛商學院案例式教學就是要提供商學院學生模擬實驗環境。本論文以案例撰寫方式,分析採用伊查克‧愛迪思(Ichak Adizes)提出之企業生命週期模型,依編年史以說故事方式描述P科技由創立初期、成長期和穩定期的不同時空環境底下,執行長面臨之轉折與困境所做之抉擇,以案例模式來呈現P科技如何突破13年中小企業之死亡魔咒。在生命周期過程中,P科技如何不斷調整其策略,以因應來自外在環境所形成之危機,和本身組織成長所面臨之挑戰,運用潛行策略把默默無聞之軟體公司經營成市場領先者,面對破壞式創新如何轉化、放棄、演化出項莊舞劍策略;新銷售機會導向之策略引領營收創新高,以萃思(TRIZ)創新思考解決法律問題,P科技(代理經銷商)如何經營與原廠關係之拿捏策略等,在本論文都會一一呈現。此外運用SWOT分析和五力分析現況以做為P科技構思未來成長策略與接班佈局之思考。希望透過P科技案例撰寫與形成問題,提供讀者穿越時空,構思可能的解決方案,並內化出自己之策略思維。
Students of Engineering Dept. are able to study phisical phenomenon or develop their products through an experiment with limited risk but business students are not. Business enviroment, management and decision making won't be reversed once it was lapsed. The Harward Business School case studies offer an oppurtunity for a student get into a business simulation scenario. This thesis presents based on Corporate Lifecycles Model by Ichak Adizes, using a small and medium-sized business(SMB): an import distribution business P Technology as a case study to see how the CEO to make decisions at business turning points or dilemma;How P Technology break the 13-year-lifecycle barrier for SMB in Taiwan. This thesis also describe the P Technology’s strategy change and try to avoid risk both from external and organization itself. Some strategies were applied at P Technology to achieve success: sneaking strategy as a market leader, transformation and sword playing to reduce impact by disruptive innovation, new lead oriented strategy result revenue to breakthrough records, TRIZ practice for legal issues, and relationship with vendors. Moreover, The Porter's five forces model and SWOT will give you clues to develope possible growth strategies and succession planning. The synthesis of the diverse strstegies within the thesis will provide inspiration of valuable strategies through deeper insights into case questions.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363048
Appears in Collections:Thesis