Title: 物聯網時代,台灣IC設計服務產業發展 及變革之研究
Research of IC Design Service Industry Development and Transformation in IoT Era
Authors: 林育緯
Lin, Yu-Wei
Chung, Hui-Min
Huang, Kuan-Cheng
Keywords: 物聯網;IC設計服務;Internet of things;IC Design Service;IoT
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本研究的主要目的是探討台灣IC設計服務公司,在萬物聯網的時代下,所面臨到的產業變革,以及如何尋求未來轉型之契機。 本論文根據產業現況、文獻及Porter在1980年所提出的一般性競爭策略,也探討個案公司所處的競爭態勢,並分析出短期和長期競爭策略。本研究希望能協助台灣IC設計服務公司,使其了解產業強烈競爭的環境,並找到正確的轉型方向以及如何面對未來的發展方向。
Things are synonymous with a huge amount of data (Big Data) cloud applications and multiple hardware and software technology. Small space, low power and cost effective are the key elements of IC design success factor. IOT products have long standby requirements. Therefore, it has become the highest guiding principle by leveraging Foundry ultra-low power node to develop IOT products. It also makes foundries, Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tool vendors, chip providers and research institutions, are all stepping up the pace of the development of next-generation ultra-low voltage (ULV) process, in order to achieve low power goal and make the mobile system could keep working for several weeks or months by one-time charge of design.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363037
Appears in Collections:Thesis