Title: 體驗行銷與顧客忠誠度之關係—以卡通角色主題餐廳為例
The Study of Experiential Marketing, Experiential Value and Consumer loyalty—An Example of Cartoon Character Theme Restaurant
Authors: 林其樺
Keywords: 體驗行銷;體驗價值;顧客忠誠度;主題餐廳;Experiential marketing;Experiential value;Consumer loyalty;Theme restaurant
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 近年來,由於消費者飲食習慣的改變,外食族的比例逐漸上升,各式各樣的餐廳如雨後春筍般地開張,走出自己獨特風格的主題餐廳更因而開闢出一條道路,除了因為其主題鮮明,容易讓消費者留下深刻的印象之外,在行銷手法上也很容易創造話題,投其所好。且消費者到餐廳用餐已經不再只是單純追求要飽餐一頓,也在乎於餐廳中消費時,整體體驗的感受,驅使餐廳業者的經營模式不能再只是單純地買餐飲產品,還要更進一步地去追求創造服務的體驗價值。因此,本研究以體驗行銷的策略體驗模組去探討消費者的行為,與其對消費者忠誠度之影響程度,更深入透過體驗價值的觀點去探討這三者之間的影響關係與程度。 本研究採用了Bernd Schmitt所提出的體驗行銷之策略體驗模組(SEMs)來做為研究架構的基礎,研究變數為:體驗行銷、體驗價值與顧客忠誠度共三個主要變數;本研究的樣本資料是透過網路問卷,針對有消費過卡通角色主題餐廳的消費者進行抽樣調查,總計回收246份問卷,而有效問卷數為230份,並藉由統計分析軟體SPSS進行因素分析、t檢定以及迴歸分析。 研究結果顯示,體驗行銷對於顧客忠誠度有顯著正向影響,且加入考量體驗價值後,其關係依舊會呈現顯著正向影響,最後本研究根據此研究分析結果,提出行銷館以方便的建議,以供相關餐飲業者做參考。
In recent years, because of consumers’ diet changes, more and more people choose to eat out. Thus, many different kinds of restaurants opened. The theme restaurants need to design the special style of their own to let consumers feel impressive. Nowadays, people who go to the restaurant are not only just for food but also for the experiential consumption. It makes restaurants’ owners to devote to improve experiential value of consumers. Therefore, the study focuses on the experiential marketing and experiential value which might influence the consumer loyalty. The study uses Strategic Experiential Model (SEMs) which is proposed by Bernd Schmitt as the basic of research framework. The research variables include experiential marketing, experiential value and consumer loyalty. The study’s sample investigates from the consumers who have ever been to cartoon character theme restaurant via internet. The collected questionnaires are 246 totally, and the effective questionnaires are 230. The study uses SPSS to conduct statistical analysis. The research results show that different experiential marketing aspects have the significant impact on consumer loyalty. Put experiential value into account, both experiential marketing and experiential value will positive impact consumer loyalty. At the end of the study, it provides some managerial suggestions about marketing management for the industry.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353723
Appears in Collections:Thesis