Title: 下世代(寬能隙)半導體設計製造商的營運商業模式策略—以H公司為例
Wide Band Gap Semiconductor design Company’s Operating Business Model Strategy – Take H-Company As an Example
Authors: 李傳英
Li, Chuan-Yin
Chung, Hui-min
Liu, James
Keywords: 寬能隙;碳化矽;氮化鎵;營運模式;綠色能源;Wide band semiconductor;Silicon Carbide;GaN;Operation model;Green Energy
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 寬能隙半導體材料是全球未來發展的重要科技之一,各工業國政府及大企業集團均投入鉅資在發展這項技術及終端應用產品。雖然台灣的半導體發展長久以來是以電腦、手機等低功率電子產品技術發展,但是面對未來的趨勢發展,實有需要儘快發展寬能隙半導體技術。H-公司雖成立時間只有三年,但能結合全球的供應商以及集團內的資源,快速的在全球打出知名度。但面對未來嚴峻的市場挑戰,學生透過各種方法分析競爭者在整個產業供應鏈的整合程度,並了解每個競爭者的優缺點,做為H-公司未來在發展時的參考。所以學生個人先從競爭者的產品布局來分析H-公司如何結合H-公司的研發能力與資源,開發出與競爭者不同的產品 ,使能滿足終端市場的需求又能與競爭者有明顯的產品區隔。在銷售策略上,會運用更彈性的方法使H-公司的產品在短時間內就能在市場上有明顯的市佔率;所以ODM 與自我品牌的方式會同時在市場上布局。當然如何引進策略性的合作夥伴將是財務操作上的重要參考因素之一。 希望透過這樣的策略思考下,以及腳踏實地的經營下,H-公司能夠快速的發展,以能在五年內能夠成為全球前五大的寬能隙半導體元件的供應商之一。
Wide band gap semiconductor is a very important technology in the future. Many nations provide a lot of budget to develop this technology and end system. Although Taiwan industry focused on the low power product development (like computer and cellular phones), however we need to put much resourch on this new technology in order to catch up with the progress of the other nations in the world. H-company is the first company focused on wide-band gap semiconductor products in Taiwan, but they can build awareness very quickly in the worldwide. But in the face of challenging market, I want to analyze the status of supply chain and integrate all suppliers to establish a high reputation company. In addition to this, I also want to analyze competitors' strength and weakness and draw up a proposal th know how to combine the H-company's research and development capabilities and resources, and then can meet the needs of the market. On the sales strategy, we will use a more flexible approach enables H- company's products on the market to have a significant market share in a short time; therefore ODM and self-brand approach will at the same time on the market. Of course, how to introduce strategic partners will be an important reference factor on financial operations.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363041
Appears in Collections:Thesis