标题: 经理人过度自信与审计能力对自结盈余资讯揭露决策的影响
How Magager Overconfidence and Audit Ability affect Preliminary Earnings Information Disclosure Decision?
作者: 张森河
Shen-Ho Chang
Shaio Yan Huang
Teng-Shih Wang
Chao-Chung Kang
关键字: 过度自信;审计能力;自结盈余;揭露决策;Overconfidence;Audit Ability;Preliminary Earnings Disclosure;Disclosure Decision
公开日期: 1-四月-2018
出版社: 国立交通大学
National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 本研究主要从经理人过度自信与审计能力角度检视自结盈余资讯揭露决定因素,以及其对揭露偏误的影响。本研究应用Two Part Model发现经理人过度自信或是选用具有审计能力的审计产业专家会比较愿意揭露自结盈余。另外,在揭露频率决策上,本研究仅发现在审计能力上,公司若选用具有审计能力的审计产业专家会有比较高的揭露频率。更进一步,本研究也检视经理人过度自信与审计能力对自结盈余与公告盈余偏误的影响,本研究发现总经理持股比率增加的过度自信会有较低的自结盈余与公告盈余偏误;然而,审计任期愈长反而提高自结盈余与公告盈余偏误。最后,检视经理人与事务所之间的协议能力,本研究发现在审计任期较短的情况下,经理人协议能力会优于事务所。
In this paper, we investigate preliminary earnings information disclosure decision from perspectives of manager overconfidence and audit ability. This study adopts the Two Part Model and find that firms are willing to disclosure preliminary earnings information when manager feel overconfidence. When companies hire industry specialization auditor, companies are willing to disclosure preliminary earnings information too. In addition, firms are willing to enhance disclosure
frequency when they hire industry specialization auditor. Moreover, we also investigate how preliminary earnings bias affected by manager overconfidence and audit ability. We find preliminary earnings bias decrease (increase) in manager overconfidence (auditor tenure). Finally, this study finds that overconfidence manager have superiority over accounting firms when we investigate bargaining power between manager and accounting firms.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/143789
ISSN: 1023-9863
期刊: 管理与系统
Journal of Management and System
Volume: 25
Issue: 2
起始页: 145
结束页: 188
显示于类别:Journal of Management and System