标题: Benchmarking handheld graphical user interface: Smoothness quality of experience
作者: Lin, Ying-Dar
Chu, Edward T. -H.
Wen, Chien-Ling
Lai, Yuan-Cheng
Chen, I-Ching
Department of Computer Science
关键字: QoS;QoE;Mean opinion;GUI;Android
公开日期: 1-五月-2018
摘要: With the rapid growth of smartphones in the market, the smoothness of smartphones, how quickly and well smartphones react to a user's input, becomes a crucial factor consumers consider when making buying decisions. However, there is no benchmark for comparing the smoothness of one phone against another. In this paper, a handheld smoothness evaluation over regression (HSER) model was developed to make a fair evaluation. A video was first made and the several key indexes were extracted to represent behavior-based smoothness quality of services (BQoS). We built up a relationship between BQoS and behavior-based smoothness quality of experience (BQoE), and converted BQoE to handheld smoothness quality of experience. Our experiment results show that maximal frame interval and number of frame intervals are the two most critical indexes that indicate smoothness. The proposed HSER model is able to fairly evaluate the smoothness of smartphones because the error rate of the HSER model is less than 9% for a single behavior.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2018.03.044
ISSN: 0045-7906
DOI: 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2018.03.044
Volume: 68
起始页: 76
结束页: 91