标题: 食品标示与WTO/TBT协定合致性之研析
A Study on the WTO/TBT Consistency of the Food Labelling Measures
作者: 张南薰
Nan-Hsun Chang
关键字: 原产地标示;食品标示;不歧视待遇;技术性贸易障碍协定;合法的管制上区别;Rule of Origin, Food Labelling;Non-discrimination;Legitimate Regulatory Distinction;TBT Agreement
公开日期: 15-六月-2017
出版社: 交通大学科技法律学院(原名称:交通大学科技法律研究所)
NCTU School of Law
摘要: 在一连串的食安风暴后,消费者意识到在商业化及全球化的食品生产过程中,自己所吃的食物与自己的认知可能有一段差距,也开始介意自己所吃的食品,原料为何、成分为何及从何而来。食品标示法规即为一国政府提供其民众关于食品资讯之重要规范,但食品标示规范同时亦会增加食品制造商及贸易商之成本,而有构成隐藏性贸易障碍之可能性。在WTO 之争端解决程序中已有多起涉及食品标示法规之TBT 协定之案例。本文希望透过案例之分析,能够更明确掌握TBT 协定下之若干重要原则之解释及适用,并进一步瞭解制定食品标示法规时所涉及之国际法上之权利及义务关系。
Suffering from the continuous happenings of food scandals, consumers start to pay more attention to what they eat gradually. Through the national food labelling regulations, consumers’ right to information about food could be protected in the domestic market. However, the implementation of any food labelling policy involves the direct costs of printing and placing labels on food products, as well as the indirect costs of verification and identity preservations. These costs posed on the exporters and producers have been referred to as trade barriers to the market access, even the food labelling were required for the purpose of consumer’s protection. Recently, several WTO members affected by certain food labelling regulations claimed that those kind of domestic requirements were in violation of the Articles 2.1, 2.2 and 2.4 of TBT Agreement and the WTO Panel and the Appellate Body have made several important decisions. In these decisions, the WTO Panel and the Appellate Body sought to reconcile legitimate regulatory interests of the Members with various obligations to treat imported products in a non-discriminatory and not unnecessarily trade restrictive manner. Through a consideration of the WTO juris- prudence, this article explores these decisions and the extent to which they provide guidance for governments, stakeholders and the public on the outcome of future TBT cases.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3966/181130952017060001002
DOI: 10.3966/181130952017060001002
期刊: 交大法学评论(原名称:科技法学评论)
NCTU Law Review
Issue: 1
起始页: 35
结束页: 83
显示于类别:Technology Law Review


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