Title: 大專女子排球接發球隊形趨勢之探討
Research the Tendency of College Women Volleyball's Receiving Position
Authors: 呂美惠
Mei-Hui Lu
Yi-Jen Hwang
Wen-Yu Lin
Chien-Yi Li
Keywords: 大專女子排球;接發球;隊形變化;College women volleyball;ball receiving;positioning variation
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2013
Publisher: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 近年來排球受到規則改變的影響,因應排球戰略性的需求及技巧上快速的變化,優秀隊伍需具備穩定的接發球方能組織戰術,而接發球與發球兩者其在比賽中都具有相等的重要性。其接發球隊形沒有一定的標準,需因應各球隊的能力值來進行接發球隊形的安排及調整,而目前世界排壇已漸漸趨向於三人接發球隊形。故本研究目的為了解接發球的隊形以及站位變化的重要性,將綜整文獻資料,並就實際參與大專排球聯賽的觀察及參看分析2010年世界女子排球錦標賽錄影帶,用以探討我國大專女子排球隊採用三位選手進行接發球隊形之策略評估,並提供有效數據驗證,以期望未來能促使我國大專院校女子球隊接發球進攻威力提升,為我國奪取優異成績為國家爭取后冠。從研究分析結果顯示,採用三位選手接發球隊形,對於接發球進攻可能會造成進攻選手困擾情形,如輔助攻擊手跑動距離較長,主攻手與輔助攻擊手進攻點發生重複現象,此問題可依敵方採取發球方式及參賽選手特點及狀況進行修正,但對於我國大專女子選手採用三位選手接發球隊形仍須再更深入研究。
These years, volleyball had been effected by the rule's changed. Due to Volleyball's strategy needs and the technically speedy variation, an out-standing team needs to have stable quality of receiving for organizing the tactics. There for, receiving and serving are equally important in a match. The receiving position doesn't have a standard certainly, it needs to be adjusted or rearranged by the differences of ability of each team. The World Volleyball Association has tended to adopt three players for receiving already so far. According to above, the goal of this research is to realize the significance of receiving position and the positioning variation. This research is combining and working out the records, documents, the observations during the participate in the UVL and the video of FIVB Volleyball World Champion Ships 2010. Then use these information for discuss Taiwan College Women Volleyball Team adopt three players for receiving position and the tactics of evaluation. Moreover, provide the effective evidence date for the Taiwan College Women Volleyball Teams to develop the power of attacking when they are in receiving position. Also wish to help forward to gain the great award for our country even the champion ship in the future. Base on the results of research analyze, it shows the three players receiving position could disturb the attacking player while they are in the receiving position. Such as, the moving distance of the wing spiker will be longer, the attacking points of spiker and wing spiker will be repeated. This kind of question can be correct according to the way that opposite serve and the characteristics and the situation of the participate players. As regards to Taiwan College Women Volleyball Teams adopt three players receiving position still has to be research more deep going.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE
Journal: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 6
Begin Page: 78
End Page: 84
Appears in Collections:Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education