Title: 探討運動訓練與骨質密度之關係
Exploring the Relationship between Exercise Training and Bone Density
Authors: 賴正全
Cheng-Chyuan Lai
Keywords: 骨骼密度;骨質疏鬆;運動處方;bone density;osteoporosis;exercise prescription
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2014
Publisher: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 適度的運動訓練可以減緩因年齡在生理上所帶來的老化,避免肌力與骨質密度下降。並可增加一般生活所需的肌力與肌耐力,進而享受休閒生活並有獨自生活的能力。骨質疏鬆症是近年來致力於預防醫學的一個重要議題,運動介入對於骨質健康扮演積極的關鍵角色,對於不同的運動型態訓練,亦有不同的影響及成效,本文藉由透過文獻分析探討不同運動類型與骨骼密度的影響及對於骨骼有效的運動處方建議,作為預防骨質疏鬆的具體參考,並提出以下建議:對兒童與青少年應給予動態、多樣化及衝擊性的運動,以增加峰值骨量;而年輕女孩及成年人,有氧運動和負重運動也具有維持骨骼健康的效果,但阻力運動對骨密度的效果更為直接;在老年人部分,可藉由從事各類有氧運動結合心肺的身體活動以避免骨質流失外,故建議在從事運動訓練前應有完善的評估與檢查,在妥善的環境與合格人員監督下進行,配合其他有助下肢肌力與平衡的運動處方,以維持骨骼健康。
Moderate exercise can slow down aging related physiological changes and avoid reduction in muscle strength and bone density, which can improve endurance and help a person to live an active life. In recent years, osteoporosis has been an important issue in preventive medicine. Exercise intervention plays a key role in improvement of bone health. Different movement patterns in different training methods can have varying impact and effectiveness in improving bone health. This study explored the effect of different exercise movement on bone density and provided recommendation on effective exercise for improving bone health. Children and teenagers should be given dynamic, diverse and high impact exercise to increase bone mass. In young girls and adults, aerobics and weight-bearing exercise had the effect on maintaining bone health, but resistance exercise showed more direct effect on improving bone mineral density. For older people, combination of various types of aerobic exercise, cardio, and physical activities can be used to prevent bone loss, but it is suggested to have their comprehensive health assessment and clinical examination prior to exercise. Exercise should be performed under proper supervision from qualified personnel.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE
Journal: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 8
Begin Page: 50
End Page: 60
Appears in Collections:Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education