Title: 羽球雙打有效教學及其多元評量之探討
An Examination of Effective Teaching Methods and Multiple Assessments of Badminton Training
Authors: 李宜勳
Yi-Hsun Lee
Tzu-Ya Kung
Shyh-Ching Chi
Keywords: 羽球;有效教學;多元評量;badminton;effective teaching;multiple assessment
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2015
Publisher: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 本文研究目的:在於探討羽球雙打有效教學及其多元評量,做為一位羽球運動教師,基本上,先瞭解羽球各階段性教學內容及其評量方式。依據技術的易到難、淺到深、低到高、基本到應用、應用到比賽等順序,而採漸進學習、系統學習及反覆學習,則體育教材必能達到臻績效化和樂趣化之目標。方法:本文研究經過文獻收集、歸納與探討分析後,依據體育教材法探討而成。羽球階段性教學內容及其評量方式共分為六個階段。結果:本研究針對「雙打」,探討 (一) 教學內容包含緒論、基本動作、應用技術、練習方法、簡易規則、問題與討論; (二)評量方式包含教學評量:主觀評量及客觀評量、問題與討論。結論:根據本研究結果提供教師教學和學生學習上的參考。
Purpose: this study was to examine the effective teaching and multiple assessments for using in the badminton training. As a badminton instructor, it was crucial to have a good understanding in these methods, including to effective teaching and multiple assessments. According to different technique level, from easy to difficult, basic to advanced, advanced to applied and applied to practical, we could use multiple teaching methods, such as step-by-step, systematic or repetitive teaching styles, in order to providing students to earn an effective and enjoyable learning experience. Method: after collecting, discussing and summarizing, this study summed up the physical education methods of badminton. It was including six processes in the effective teaching substance and assessments. Result: this study focused on the stage six, it included teaching substance and multiple assessments. The teaching substance was included an introduction, basic movement skills, applied techniques, training methods, simply rules, questions and discussions. The assessment methods were included teaching assessment, such as subjective assessment and objective assessment, questions and discussions. Conclusion: The purpose of this study was to provide instructors and students with a guideline in teaching or learning badminton.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE
Journal: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 10
Begin Page: 35
End Page: 45
Appears in Collections:Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education