标题: 优秀排球主力攻击手应具备扣球的观念与技巧
Analysis of an Excellent Volleyball Attacker’s Spiking Concept and Skills
作者: 黄怡仁
Yi-Jen Hwang
Chien-Yi Li
Wan-Ju Liao
Mei-Ling Chen
关键字: 排球;扣球;攻击;volleyball;smash;attack
公开日期: 1-十二月-2015
出版社: 国立交通大学体育室
Office of Physical Education
National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 排球比赛中扣球是攻击对方最主要手段之一,也是赢得比赛主要技术。在当前排球竞技水准越来越高的情况下,选手扣球的实力,是赢得比赛的关键。成为一个优秀排球攻击手优异的扣球技巧及正确的比赛观念是必须具备最重要的条件。本研究收集国内外相关资讯,对优秀排球攻击手进行阐述,包含身体条件、心理素质、技术应用及对比赛的观念等。
In a volleyball game, spiking is one of the major ways to attack the rival and is also the main skill to win the game. As the volleyball competitive level is getting higher and higher, a player’s skill of spiking becomes the key to victory. Outstanding spiking skill and correct concept of volleyball games are the most important elements to become an excellent attacker. This study collects domestic and international relative information about becoming an outstanding spiker, including physical condition, psychological quality, application of skill, concept of games, and so on.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE
期刊: 交大体育学刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 10
起始页: 53
结束页: 62
显示于类别:Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education