Title: 核心肌力訓練對武術選手身體平衡之重要性
The Significance of Core Strength Training in Body Balance for Wushu Players
Authors: 彭冠瑋
Kuan-Wei Peng
Chin-Li Lin
Keywords: 核心肌力訓練;武術選手;身體穩定;Core Strength Training;Wushu Players;Body Stability
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2015
Publisher: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 武術競賽時,選手常需要在多軸面和不穩定下進行運動,如跳躍、旋轉甚至落地等動作。通常一個動作的結束即為另一個動作的開始。這些靜止至動態或動態至靜止的連結動作,需要強健的肌力與爆發力,更需要結合核心肌力、本體感覺、神經肌肉控制及身體的協調,以提高比賽致勝的機率。核心肌力訓練強調神經肌肉系統的整合,多關節與多軸面的動作和軀幹的鍛練,與武術運動的特性有諸多相似之處。研究顯示強健的核心肌力能提供脊椎穩定、增進運動表現和改善肢體發力的效能,還能降低能量消耗和預防傷害。因此,本文想透過文獻整理的方式,提供有關核心訓練的概念、原則與效益,期望能為體育教師、運動教練或運動指導員在擬定訓練計劃時的參考。
When Wushu players compete in Wushu routines, they often need to practice in multi-planes and instability, such as the movements of jumping, spinning, and even landing. A movement usually ends with the beginning of another movement. The movements from static to dynamic or movements from dynamic to static require strong muscular strength and explosive power. Also, the movements require the combination of core strength, proprioception, neuromuscular control, and coordination of the body in order to increase the chances of winning Wushu competitions. Core strength training which emphasizes the integration of the neuromuscular system, multi-joint and multi-axis motions, and trunk muscle exercises is similar to the characteristics of Wushu movements. Research has shown that core strength training can not only provide the effectiveness of spinal stabilization, enhancement of athletic performance, and the improvement of explosive power but also reduce consumption of energy and prevent sports injuries. Therefore, this paper aims to present the concepts, principles and efficacy regarding core strength training through the review of literature. This paper could also be useful to physical education teachers, sport coaches, and sport instructors as a reference for planning their training programs or lessons.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE
Journal: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 9
Begin Page: 44
End Page: 57
Appears in Collections:Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education