Title: 桌球競賽暫停策略之分析
Analysis on the Time-Out Strategy of Table Tennis Competition
Authors: 王鈞逸
Chun-Yi Wang
Keywords: 決策行為;頂尖桌球選手;暫停之趨勢;decision making;top-notch table tennis players;time-out tendency
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2018
Publisher: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 目的:運動競賽中暫停之申請為一決策行為,本研究旨在瞭解頂尖教練及選手申請暫停的時機,並探討暫停後之效益。方法:以2016年世界桌球錦標賽(World Table Tennis Championship, WTTC)男子團體賽八強選手作為研究對象,並以影片回顧之方式,蒐集半準決賽至決賽之暫停資料,所得數據以描述性統計建立基本資料,並以卡方適合度檢定分析暫停時機其次數之分佈情形。結果:暫停的使用率為83%,暫停局次以第3局的比率最高,局段以中局最多,比分情境最多為連續輸2-3分,暫停後的球權歸屬差異不明顯,領先時申請暫停的比率低於落後時,而暫停後1-4分的勝率約為50%。結論:現今桌球競賽十分重視暫停之申請並徹底執行,且暫停時機有提早之趨勢。而無論領先或落後時申請暫停,均具有正向效益。
Purpose: A claim for time-out in sports competition is a decision making. The aim of this study was to investigate the time-out timing from top-notch coaches and players, and also investigated the benefit after time-out. Method: Take quarter final of Men's team WTTC 2016 as subject, review the videos and collect the data of time-out from quarter final to final. The obtained data establishes basic data by descriptive statistics, and analyzes the distribution of time-out timimg times by the Test of Goodness-of-Fit. Result: Time-out rate was 83%, the highest rate of sets was in 3rd, and majority was in the middle stage. The maximum was when losing 2-3 score consecutively. The serve right did not differ a lot. Time-out rate in leading one is lower than trailing one. The winning rate is about 50% in 1-4 score after time-out was used. Conclusion: Nowadays time-out is highly valued and there is a tendency to shift the timing of time-out to an earlier time. However it both has a positive effect to time-out either in leading or trailing status.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE
Journal: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 14
Begin Page: 34
End Page: 44
Appears in Collections:Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education