标题: 我国同性婚姻之法律冲突问题
Same-Sex Marriages in Taiwan Private International Law
作者: 林恩玮
En-Wei Lin
关键字: 国际私法;涉外婚姻;同性婚姻;注册伴侣关系;本国法主义;Private International Law;Foreign Marriage;Same-Sex Marriage;Registered Partnership;Lex Patriae
公开日期: 15-九月-2020
出版社: 交通大学科技法律学院(原名称:交通大学科技法律研究所)
NCTU School of Law
摘要: 司法院释字第748 号解释施行法仅就内国的同性婚姻关系做出实体法上的相关规定,但对于涉外的同性婚姻关系应如何适用法律,并无明文。我国现行法制对于与大陆地区人民之婚姻、与港澳地区人民之婚姻及与外国人民之婚姻在法律适用规定上均不完全相同,使得涉外同性婚姻的法律适用问题越形复杂。我国法制应如何定性“同性婚姻”?关于涉外同性婚姻之准据法,是否亦应适用结婚之准据法规定?上开问题均为我国同性婚姻之法律冲突之核心。本文以比较法学分析方法,就上开问题逐一进行分析,并试着提出一些具体建议予我国司法实务工作者。
Act for Implementation of J.Y. Interpretation No. 748 only made relevant substantive laws on same-sex marriage in Taiwan, but there was no clear text on how the law should be applied to same-sex marriage involving foreign elements. Taiwan legal system is not completely the same in terms of applicable laws to marriages with the mainland area people, marriages with the Hong Kong and Macao area people, and marriages with foreign people, making the same-sex marriages involving foreign elements more complicated in the application of law. How should Taiwan legal system characterize “same-sex marriage”? Regarding the law governing foreign same-sex marriage, could the law governing marriage also apply? They are the core issues of Taiwan conflict of laws over same-sex marriage involving foreign elements. This article uses comparative legal analysis methods to analyze the mentioned issues and tries to give some specific advices to our judicial practice workers.
URI: https://lawreview.law.nycu.edu.tw/7-1/
ISSN: 2523-0298
期刊: 交大法学评论(原名称:科技法学评论)
NCTU Law Review
Issue: 7
起始页: 1
结束页: 20
显示于类别:Technology Law Review


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