Title: 複合式訓練對大專一般組羽球運動員爆發力及敏捷能力之影響
The Effect of Complex Training on the Explosive Power and Agility of the General Group of College Badminton Athletes
Authors: 陳志威
Chih-Wei Chen
Keywords: 複合式訓練;增強式訓練;重量訓練;complex training;plyometric training;weight training
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2021
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 目的:比較4週的複合式訓練對大專一般組羽球運動員爆發力及敏捷能力之影響。方法:以國立政治大學19名一般組羽球運動代表隊之隊員(平均年齡21.50±1.98歲、身高169.80±7.61公分、體重63.78±10.31公斤、球齡7.07±2.85年)為研究對象,隨機分成WP組實施順序為先重量訓練後增強式訓練及PW組實施順序為先增強式訓練後重量訓練,進行4週的複合式訓練,每週2次,於4週複合式訓練的前後一週實施前後測。所得資料以相依樣本t檢定比較訓練前後30公尺衝刺、原地垂直跳及五點折返之差異情形,以單因子共變數分析(one-way ANCOVA),比較組間30公尺衝刺、原地垂直跳及五點折返進步之差異情形,並以α = .05為顯著水準。結果:4週複合式訓練後整體30公尺衝刺(4.90 ± 0.38 vs. 4.81 ± 0.41)及五點折返(10.07 ± 0.94 vs. 9.62 ± 0.87)進步幅度均達顯著差異(p < .05),組間差異經過統計分析比較後則皆未有顯著差異。結論:4週的複合式訓練能有效提升爆發力及敏捷能力;操作複合式訓練時重量訓練及增強式訓練的實施順序對訓練效果沒有顯著差異。
Purpose: Compare the effects of four weeks of complex training on the explosive power and agility of a general group of college badminton athletes. Methods: This research took nineteen members (average age 21.50±1.98 years old, height 169.80±7.61 cm, weight 63.78±10.31 kg, veteran 7.07±2.85 years) of the general badminton team in National Chengchi University as the research targets. The targets were randomly divided into the WP group and PW group, where the order of implementation of the WP group was weight training first and then plyometric training, and the implementation order of the PW group was plyometric training first and then weight training. This research conducted complex training twice a week for four weeks and performed the pre-training and post-training tests one week before and after the complex training. The experimental data were compared the differences in the 30-meter sprint, vertical jump in place, and five-point reentry between groups before and after the training by paired sample t-test. The differences in the 30-meter sprint, vertical jump in place, and five-point reentry between groups were analyzed by one-way ANCOVA, and α = .05 was used as the significance level. Results: After four weeks of complex training, the targets' overall improvement of the 30-meter sprint (4.90±0.38 vs. 4.81±0.41) and five-point reentry (10.07±0.94 vs. 9.62±0.87) all achieved significant difference (p < .05), and the differences between the two groups had no significant difference after being statistically analyzed and compared. Conclusion: Four weeks of complex training can effectively improve explosive power and agility; implementation order of weight training and plyometric training in the operation of complex training makes no significant difference on the training effect.
URI: https://www.airitilibrary.com/Publication/alDetailedMesh?DocID=P20110824004-202112-202202240008-202202240008-22-33&PublishTypeID=P001
ISSN: 2219-5696
Journal: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 17
Begin Page: 22
End Page: 33
Appears in Collections:Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education