Title: 探索智慧商業數位轉型之現況與趨勢-以智慧零售為例
Status and Trend Analysis of Digital Transformation for Smart Business - The Case Examples of Smart Retailing
Authors: 樊晉源
C-Y Fang
Amy J.C. Trappey
C-H Chien
I-An Su
Y-H Wu
W-T Lee
Keywords: 文字探勘;機器學習;數位轉型;智慧商業;智慧零售;Text Mining;Machine Learning;Digital Transformation;Smart Business;Smart Retailing
Issue Date: 1-Apr-2023
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學經營管理研究所
Institute of Business and Magement, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 企業面對外部環境不斷的變化,結合數位科技與創新營運模式,即時因應環境、市場變遷所做的對應策略和行動,以利其整體營運競爭優勢,此一過程稱之為數位轉型。無論政府在制定產業升級或企業體研擬提升營運效能之策略時,判斷特定產業之數位轉型現狀與趨勢,成為決策支援的重要課題。本文基於全球各個產業在智慧化、數位化上蓬勃多元的發展,結合不同文獻中數位轉型發展階段,定義出符合我國智慧商業的數位轉型階段與特性。並運用106年至109年經濟部智慧商業服務推動應用案例文檔及相關文獻作為寶貴的原資料集,進行案例產業型態定義及歸類。依照數位轉型階段及特性之定義,結合文字探勘、資料探勘、機器學習等先進文本和數據分析方法,進行各種商業類別的數位轉型導入階段,以及其智慧科技應用種類之判認。本研究以科學分析方法,探究當前智慧商業數位轉型現狀、特質、趨勢及精進策略;並聚焦於四個零售案例進行個案比較及分析,深入了解智慧零售導入之關鍵技術與趨勢。本文所提之數位轉型趨勢分析之流程架構、方法組合與案例演練,可延伸運用在其他智慧商業數位轉型之個案研究中,做為整體商業活動智慧化、數位化推動智庫的有效分析工具。
Digital transformation is a changing and renewal process that companies, in order to maintaining their competitiveness in the marketplace, must carry out constantly adopting advanced information technologies and innovative business models. Thus, it is important to understand the status and trend of digital transformation (DT) in any given industry or enterprise while developing effective DT strategies. This research investigates 65 cases of smart business DT project reports (2017~2020), as valuable document source, to identify the business categories and their DT classifications. Deploying technology mining techniques (including text mining, data mining and machine learning modeling methods), this study analyzes Taiwan's smart business development trends, critical DT technology adoption, and successful cases in their respective industries. Further, the DT case examples of four smart retailors are depicted and compared in detailed analysis. The research outcome helps companies and industries understand the status quo of DTs for businesses, key case references, and future strategies of DT for smart business developments across industries.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29416/jms.202304_30(2).0003
ISSN: 1023-9863
DOI: 10.29416/jms.202304_30(2).0003
Journal: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 30
Issue: 2
Begin Page: 197
End Page: 227
Appears in Collections:Journal of Management and System