Title: 大學生排球體能指標與垂直跳躍表現之間的關係
The relationship between volleyball physical fitness indicators and vertical jump performance in college students
Authors: 陳朝福
Chao-Fu Chen
Hui-Ju Wu
Keywords: 排球訓練;敏捷性;速度;運動分析;volleyball training;agility;speed;motion analysis
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2023
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 目的:探討排球運動各項體能指標與垂直跳躍的關係。方法:招募師範大學體育學院128位男性參與者,並在體育專業課程方面,已修畢排球必修課程,且已通過排球技評考核,其平均身高177.98 ± 5.46公分,體重70.30 ± 9.13公斤,年齡21.04 ± 1.43歲。分析身體組成、速度、敏捷性、耐力、柔軟度、爆發力與垂直跳躍的相關性。以描述性統計考驗資料之平均數、標準差;以皮爾森相關分析考驗垂直跳躍與體能測驗之間的相關性;以迴歸分析考驗變項間的量化關係。顯著水準訂為α = 0.05。結果:垂直跳躍與敏捷性間呈現顯著負相關(r= -0.219;P= 0.013),標準化迴歸方程式為,垂直跳躍表現= -0.219 x敏捷性。時間越少表示敏捷越高,故研究結果得知,敏捷性越高時,垂直跳躍的表現越好,而其他體能變項則與垂直跳躍皆無顯著相關。結論:垂直跳躍需要適當的肌肉力量、動作協調和快速反應能力才能完成,因此與敏捷性有密切關聯。敏捷性較佳,通常有較好的神經系統反應速度和心理注意力控制能力,可以更迅速地做出反應並保持良好的姿勢穩定性,在排球跳躍時也能更有效地發揮肌肉力量。
Purpose: This study aims to investigate the correlation between different physical fitness indicators and vertical jump performance in the context of volleyball. Method: A cohort of 128 male participants from the Physical Education College of Normal University, having completed mandatory volleyball courses and passed skills assessments were recruited. Their average height was 177.98 ± 5.46 cm, weight was 70.30 ± 9.13 kg, and the average age was 21.04 ± 1.43 years. The study analyzed the correlation between body composition, speed, agility, endurance, flexibility, power, and vertical jump. Descriptive statistics examined the mean and standard deviation, while Pearson correlation analysis explored the correlation between vertical jump and physical fitness tests. Regression analysis was used to assess the quantitative relationship between variables. The significance level was set at α = 0.05.Results: A significant negative correlation was found between vertical jump and agility (r = -0.219; P = 0.013). The standardized regression equation revealed that vertical jump performance = -0.219 x agility. This suggests that higher agility correlates with superior vertical jump performance. No significant correlation was observed between other physical fitness variables and vertical jump. Conclusion: Vertical jump proficiency relies on adequate muscle strength, coordinated movements, and quick reaction capabilities, demonstrating a close association with agility. Those with enhanced agility often exhibit superior nervous system response speed and heightened mental attention control. This translates to quicker reactions, sustained postural stability, and more effective utilization of muscle strength during volleyball jumps.
URI: https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail/P20110824004-N202401170008-00004
ISSN: 2219-5696
Journal: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 19
Begin Page: 32
End Page: 44
Appears in Collections:Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education