Title: RFID門禁監控系統之追蹤設計
Tracking Design for RFID-Based Indoor Surveillance System
Authors: 洪茂盛
Mau-Sheng Hung
Der-Cherng Liaw
Keywords: 人臉辨識;影像追蹤;射頻辨識;門禁系統;Face recognition;Image tracking;RFID;Indoor system
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 本篇論文利用人臉辨識、影像追蹤及射頻辨識技術結合資料庫,架構出一套門禁監控系統。舊式的門禁系統通常只有針對人員做人臉辨識,對於人員進入後續的動作,則完全不管,且在處理人臉辨識時,需要在資料庫搜尋比對人員的資料花費許多時間。所以本論文針對人臉辨識及影像追蹤來討論,在人臉辨識方面,我們加入射頻辨識技術,以非接觸式卡片,經過讀卡機傳送給電腦,即可以直接與資料庫內的影像資料比對身份。在追蹤方面,我們利用多部攝影機的合作追蹤機制,來追蹤影像的移動。另外,透過系統介面,可以直接管理、記錄及查詢人員的資料,包含人員身份、進出時間及人員移動的軌跡資料。
We will introduce a new surveillance system composed of the face recognition, image tracking, RFID technology and database system in my thesis. In the traditional ones, the processing will be face recognition, and then search the correspomding face sample data in the database to identify authentication. However, the search and authentication are often spending quite much time. Consequently, we propose two issues in following manner. For the face recognition issue, we combine the face recognition and RFID technique that we send the personal information to the host computer via the communication between RFID Tag and Reader. For the tracking issue, the cooperation tracking mechanism using multipe cameras is adopted to follow the trajectory of image. According to this method, we can administration, record and query people information including person identification and the timing trajectories of each target person.
Appears in Collections:Thesis