Title: 以實驗的方法研究紫外光氙氣準分子之介電質放電現象
Parametric Study of UV Emission of a Xenon Excimer Dielectric Barrier Discharge
Authors: 呂政霖
Keywords: 真空紫外光;石英燈管;介電質放電;氙氣;dielectric barrier discharge;silent discharge;streamer;plasma;excimer uv lamp;uv emission
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 氙氣準分子燈所放出來172 nm波長的真空紫外光(VUV),在許多方面都有廣泛的應用,工業上像是材料沉積技術、光化學技術、螢光燈管及電漿顯示器用途等方面。 所以提昇172 nm波長準分子燈的光強度變成了一個很重要的目標。因為在工業的應用越來越廣泛,所以本實驗探討燈管光強度跟燈管內充填氣體之間的關係。以及探討許多的製程參數,包含了氣體的比例、氣體的總壓、輸入燈管的頻率、電流,以及不同尺寸的燈管,對於光強度的影響。 最後,每個尺寸的燈管都有其最佳的點燈操作條件,所以探討實驗數據以及整理各參數對於燈管光強度之間的影響。
Excimer UV lamps operating at wavelength of 172 nm by xenon plasma have wide applications in industry such as material separation and coating, surface treatment, and photochemistry. To promote light intensity of 172 nm becomes a questing goal. Because to deal with more and more application. In this experiment, we discuss the effect of parameter on light intensity by means of put in pure Xenon and rare gas mixture. The parameters include gas total pressure, frequency and input power current in different size, in order to observe the change of light intensity. Finally, different size can find the most optimized operation condition and realize the relation between the factors and the light intensity.
Appears in Collections:Thesis